Source code for pedal.sandbox.sandbox

File containing the Sandbox class.

TODO: Handle sys.argv


import sys
import io
import types
from itertools import zip_longest
from unittest.mock import patch

from pedal.core.feedback_category import FeedbackCategory
from import MAIN_REPORT
from pedal.sandbox.mocked import PrintingStringIO
from pedal.utilities.exceptions import ExpandedTraceback, improve_builtin_exceptions
from import SandboxVariable, SandboxContextKind, \
    SandboxContext, SandboxModules
from pedal.sandbox import mocked
from pedal.sandbox.constants import TOOL_NAME
from pedal.sandbox.feedbacks import runtime_error, EXCEPTION_FF_MAP
from pedal.sandbox.exceptions import SandboxHasNoFunction, SandboxHasNoVariable
from pedal.sandbox.timeout import timeout
from pedal.sandbox.result import SandboxResult
from pedal.sandbox.tracer import TRACER_STYLES

[docs] class Sandbox: """ Args: report (:py:class:``): The report that this Sandbox is attached to. Attributes: data (dict[str, Any]): The namespace that the context are occurring in. Note that this is mutable. result: TODO output (list[str]): The list of strings that have been printed to the console by :py:func:`print`. Note that line endings have been removed using :py:func:`string.rstrip`. inputs (list[str]): The list of strings that will be passed to :py:func:`input`. raw_output (str): A concatenated string of all the text that was printed to console. No changes have been made to the text. exception (Exception or None): The exception that occurred during the most recent execution, or None if nothing happened. feedback: TODO modules.plots: TODO modules.turtles: TODO target: TODO allowed_time (int): How long to allow before stopping execution. tracer_style (str): TODO _context (list[SandboxContext]): The history of executions made in this sandbox. _next_context_id (int): The ID of the next execution context. _current_patches (list[Patch]): A stack of patches that are currently being used. This allows recursive patching behavior. MAXIMUM_TEMPORARY_LENGTH (int): How long to allow arguments to be before turning them into temporary variables. """ MAXIMUM_TEMPORARY_LENGTH = 200 MAXIMUM_INPUTS = 100000 def __init__(self, report=MAIN_REPORT): = report # Namespace = {} self.result = None self.exception = None = None # Contextualization self._context = [] self._current_context = None self._next_context_id = 0 self._context_group_start = [] # Patching self._current_patches = [] self._current_stdout = [] # Temporary Variables self._temporary_variables = set() self._backup_variables = {} # Modules self._module_overrides = {} self.modules = SandboxModules() self.clear_mocks() self.clear_data() # Inputs self.inputs = [] # Outputs self.raw_output = "" self.output = [] # Target = None # Proxying results self.result_proxy_class = SandboxResult # Show the full traceback self.full_traceback = False # Use threading? self.threaded = False self.allowed_time = 3 # Tracer Styles self.tracer_style = 'none' ############################################################################ # Execution (run/call/eval) def _import(self, code, module_name, filename, threaded, **meta): """ Import the code as a new module. Requires prior `_execute` of some manner to have already started (e.g., a `call`, `run`, or `evaluate`). This does NOT reset the context, setup output capturing, or handle exceptions. Instead, it relies on the existing infrastructure to do so. Args: code: module_name: threaded: **meta: Returns: """ if threaded: return timeout(self.allowed_time, self._import, code, module_name, filename, False, **meta) # TODO: Skulpt doesn't support `module.__dict__` manipulation, # but once it does we don't need to manually copy over the attrs afterwards imported_module = types.ModuleType(module_name) # Patch the builtins using the same rules as `execute` # EXCEPT only the builtins, not the other stuff? imported_module_data = {} self._reset_builtins(imported_module_data) builtins = self._module_overrides.get('__builtins__', {}) self._mock_builtins(imported_module_data, builtins) # Compile and execute code compiled_code = compile(code, filename, 'exec') with self.trace.as_filename(filename, code): exec(compiled_code, imported_module_data) # Copy over data to module for key, value in imported_module_data.items(): setattr(imported_module, key, value) # And get them back the module return imported_module def _execute_with_timeout(self, code, filename, kind, **meta): """ Execute the given code, but stop after `self.allowed_time`. Args: code (str): filename (str): kind (:py:class:`pedal.sandbox.sandbox_mixins.SandboxContextKind`): Returns: :py:class:`pedal.sandbox.sandbox.Sandbox` """ try: return timeout(self.allowed_time, self._execute, code, filename, kind, False, **meta) except TimeoutError as timeout_exception: self._stop_patches() self._capture_exception(timeout_exception, sys.exc_info(), code, filename) return self def _execute(self, code, filename, kind, threaded, **meta): # Handle any threading if necessary if threaded: return self._execute_with_timeout(code, filename, kind, **meta) self.clear_exception() context = SandboxContext(self._next_context_id, code, filename, kind,, [], "", self.exception,, **meta) self._context.append(context) # Patch in dangerous built-ins # Override builtins and mock stuff out self._start_mocking(context)['__name__'] = "__main__" try: # TODO: Support CaitNode and Ast (needs skulpt to support compile better) compiled_code = compile(code, filename, 'exec') with self.trace.as_filename(filename, code): exec(compiled_code, except Exception as user_exception: self._stop_mocking(context) self._capture_exception(user_exception, sys.exc_info(), code, filename) # NOTE: # This exception does not inherit from Exception and has to be caught separately except SystemExit as system_exit: self._stop_mocking(context) self._capture_exception(system_exit, sys.exc_info(), code, filename) else: self._stop_mocking(context) self._next_context_id += 1 return self
[docs] def run(self, code=None, filename=None, inputs=None, threaded=None, after=None, before=None, real_io=False): """ If both ``code`` and ``filename`` are None, then the submission's main file will be executed. If ``code`` is given but ``filename`` is not, then it is assumed to be instructor code. TODO: This should actually return the ExecutionContext that was generated, right? But the user should be able to treat that as if it were the Sandbox... Args: real_io: If True, makes print and input actually write to stdout. code (str or :py:class:`~pedal.cait.cait_node.CaitNode` or None): The code to execute. filename (str or None): The filename to use for this code. inputs (list[str]): Optional inputs to be passed to :py:func:`~pedal.sandbox.Sandbox.set_input`. threaded (bool): Whether or not to run this code in a threaded environment, which allows for timeouts. after (str): Code to run after this code (without a filename). before (str): Code to run before this code (without a filename). Returns: Sandbox: This sandbox instance. """ if real_io: self.allow_function('print') self.set_input(input) if threaded is None: threaded = self.threaded if code is None: if filename is None: filename = code =[filename] elif filename is None: filename = if inputs is not None: self.set_input(inputs) if before is not None: self._execute(before, filename, SandboxContextKind.RUN, threaded) = None self._execute(code, filename, SandboxContextKind.RUN, threaded) if after is not None: self._execute(after, filename, SandboxContextKind.RUN, threaded) if real_io: self.clear_mocked_function('print') self.clear_input() return self
[docs] def call(self, function, *args, target="_", threaded=None, inputs=None, function_kwargs=None, args_locals=None, kwargs_locals=None, **kwargs): """ Execute the given function from the student's namespace. The ``args_locals`` and ``kwargs_locals`` values allow you to use student's local variables as arguments, instead of literal values. They actually support any arbitrary Python code, it will be injected without modification. Args: function (str): The name of the function to call. *args (Any): Any number of positional arguments to be passed to the called function. target (str): The variable to assign the result of this call to. Defaults to ``"_"``. threaded (bool): Whether or not to run this code in a threaded environment, which allows for timeouts. inputs (str or list[str]): function_kwargs (dict[str, Any]): Additional keyword arguments that could not be passed in directly via ``**kwargs`` (perhaps because they conflict with an existing parameter like ``target``). args_locals (list[str]): A list of names (or any valid Python expression) that will be passed as positional arguments to the function (as opposed to actual values). If any value is None (or if the list is too short), then the corresponding position argument from ``*args`` will be used instead. kwargs_locals (dict[str, str]): A dictionary of keyword argument names mapped to local names (or any valid Python expression), that will be used as keyword parameters similar to ``args_locals``. **kwargs (): Additional keyword arguments passed to the called function. Returns: Exception or :py:class:`~pedal.sandbox.sandbox.SandboxResult`: The result of calling the function will be returned, proxied behind a SandboxResult (which attempts to perfectly emulate that value). If the function call failed, the exception will be returned instead. """ if threaded is None: threaded = self.threaded # Confirm that the function_name exists if function not in self.functions: if function not in self.exception = SandboxHasNoVariable( "The function {function} does not exist.".format(function=function) ) else: self.exception = SandboxHasNoFunction( "The variable {function} is not a function.".format(function=function) ) return self.exception # Handle convenience setup if inputs is not None: self.set_input(inputs) if function_kwargs is not None: kwargs.update(function_kwargs) if args_locals is None: args_locals = [] if kwargs_locals is None: kwargs_locals = [] # Make the call and evaluate it = target actual, student, arguments = self._construct_call(function, args, kwargs, args_locals, kwargs_locals, target) context_id = self._next_context_id self._execute(actual,, SandboxContextKind.CALL, threaded, called=function, args=arguments) self._purge_temporaries() return self._handle_result(target, context_id)
[docs] def evaluate(self, code, target="_", threaded=None): """ Evaluates the given code and assigns the result to the given target. Will cause an error if ``code`` is not a valid expression. # TODO: Clean up syntax error. Args: code (str or :py:class:`~pedal.cait.cait_node.CaitNode`): The code to execute. If a CaitNode, then that will be executed directly instead of being compiled. target (str): The name of the variable to assign the result to. Note that the result is also returned by this function. threaded (bool): Whether or not to run this code in a threaded environment, which allows for timeouts. Returns: Exception or :py:class:`~pedal.sandbox.sandbox.SandboxResult`: The result of evaluating the code will be returned, proxied behind a SandboxResult (which attempts to perfectly emulate that value). If the function call failed, the exception will be returned instead. """ if threaded is None: threaded = self.threaded = target code = f"{target} = {code}" context_id = self._next_context_id self._execute(code,, SandboxContextKind.EVAL, threaded=threaded) return self._handle_result(target, context_id)
def _handle_result(self, target, context_id): """ Determine the appropriate return value (either an exception or the value stored in target. Also updates self.result. """ if self.exception is None: self.result =[target] if self.result_proxy_class is not None: self.result = self.result_proxy_class(self.result, context_id=context_id, sandbox=self) return self.result else: if self.result_proxy_class is not None: self.exception = self.result_proxy_class(self.exception, context_id=context_id, sandbox=self) return self.exception ############################################################################ # Context (history of executions)
[docs] def get_context(self, context_id: int = None): """ Retrieve the most recent contexts. Returns: list[:py:class:`pedal.sandbox.sandbox_mixins.SandboxContext`]: The most recent execution, or executions if currently in a group. """ # TODO: Test off-by-one-errors if context_id is None: if not self._context_group_start: return self._context[-1:] else: return self._context[self._context_group_start[-1]:] else: if not self._context_group_start: return [self._context[context_id]] else: for past_context_group_starts in self._context_group_start[::-1]: if past_context_group_starts < context_id + 1: return self._context[past_context_group_starts:context_id + 1] return self._context[:context_id + 1]
def _guess_context(self, target_name): """ Tries to figure out the best context for the given target_name, by first checking whether the target was ever used in a CALL or EVAL. If it fails to find it, then it uses the most recent RUN. Otherwise, it just returns None. Returns: :py:class:`` or None: The found context, or None. """ # Was it a target for a CALL or EVAL? for context in self._context[::-1]: if context.kind in (SandboxContextKind.EVAL, SandboxContextKind.CALL): if == target_name: return context # Just get the last run for context in self._context[::-1]: if context.kind == SandboxContextKind.RUN: return context # Okay just give up return None
[docs] def start_grouping_context(self): """ Any subsequent executions will be grouped. """ self._context_group_start.append(self._next_context_id)
[docs] def stop_grouping_context(self): """ Stop grouping subsequent executions. """ return self._context_group_start.pop()
[docs] def clear_context(self): """ Removes the history of any previous executions. """ self._context_group_start.clear() self._context.clear()
############################################################################ # Tracing def _set_tracer_style(self, tracer_style): if tracer_style is None: tracer_style = 'none' self._tracer_style = tracer_style.lower() self.trace = TRACER_STYLES[tracer_style.lower()]() def _get_tracer_style(self): return self._tracer_style tracer_style = property(_get_tracer_style, _set_tracer_style)
[docs] def clear_tracer(self): """ Stop tracing in this sandbox. """ self.tracer_style = 'none'
############################################################################ # Exception Handling def _capture_exception(self, exception, exc_info, code, filename): self.exception = improve_builtin_exceptions(exception) # Load in any extra data context = self.get_context() line_offsets = {} show_filenames = {filename} - {} hide_filenames = {filename} files = if filename not in files: files[filename] = code.split("\n") if is not None: lines = show_filenames.update( line_offsets = else: lines = code.split("\n") # Create a better traceback traceback = ExpandedTraceback(self.exception, exc_info, self.full_traceback, hide_filenames, line_offsets, show_filenames, lines, files) if filename == priority = FeedbackCategory.SPECIFICATION else: priority = FeedbackCategory.RUNTIME runtime_error_function = EXCEPTION_FF_MAP.get(type(self.exception), runtime_error) = runtime_error_function(exception=self.exception, context=[context], traceback=traceback, location=traceback.line_number,, priority=priority) = return False
[docs] def clear_exception(self): """ Removes the latest exception information """ self.exception = None = None
############################################################################ # Patching and Mocking # TODO: Need to make this cover the `builtins` module, and look into best practices # for modern Python mocking, to prevent evil access. def _mock_builtins(self, data: dict, builtins: dict): builtins = builtins for name, value in builtins.items(): if value is True: data['__builtins__'][name] = mocked.ORIGINAL_BUILTINS[name] data[name] = mocked.ORIGINAL_BUILTINS[name] elif value is False: data['__builtins__'][name] = mocked.disabled_builtin(name) data[name] = mocked.disabled_builtin(name) else: data['__builtins__'][name] = value data[name] = value def _start_mocking(self, context: SandboxContext): """ Mock input, output, builtins, and modules """ # Handle input tracking self.mock_function('input', self._track_inputs(context.inputs)) # Override builtin functions self._reset_builtins( builtins = self._module_overrides.pop('__builtins__', {}) self._mock_builtins(, builtins) # Override sys modules overridden_modules = sys.modules.copy() for name, value in self._module_overrides.items(): if value is not True: overridden_modules[name] = value self._module_overrides['__builtins__'] = builtins # Handle allowing *actual* printing to the real stdout console if self._module_overrides['__builtins__'].get('print') is not True: self._current_stdout.append(io.StringIO()) else: self._current_stdout.append(PrintingStringIO()) # And do the patches self._start_patches( patch.dict('sys.modules', overridden_modules), patch('sys.stdout', self._current_stdout[-1]), patch('time.sleep', return_value=None), ) def _stop_mocking(self, context: SandboxContext): """ Turn off any patches, store output """ self._stop_patches() current_stdout = self._current_stdout.pop() self.append_output(current_stdout.getvalue(), context) # Patching Functionality def _start_patches(self, *patches): """ Helper function to start and keep track of multiple patches """ self._current_patches.append(patches) for a_patch in patches: a_patch.start() def _stop_patches(self): """ Helper function to end any tracked patches """ if not self._current_patches: return patches = self._current_patches.pop() for a_patch in patches: a_patch.stop()
[docs] def clear_mocks(self, reset_default_mocks=True): """ Removes any module or builtin overrides currently in effect. Args: reset_default_mocks (bool): If True, also resets the default mocks (e.g., `open`, `__import__`). """ self._module_overrides.clear() self.modules.clear() if reset_default_mocks: self.reset_default_overrides()
[docs] def reset_default_overrides(self): """ Resets the list of blocked functions and modules to its starting state. This blocks ``compile``, ``eval``, ``exec``, ``globals``, and provides mocked versions of ``open`` and ``import`` that are more restricted. It also blocks the ``pedal`` module. """ self._module_overrides['__builtins__'] = {} self.block_function('compile') self.block_function('eval') self.block_function('exec') self.block_function('globals') self.block_function('exit') self.mock_function('open', mocked.create_open_function( self.mock_function('__import__', mocked.create_import_function(, self)) self.block_module('pedal') self.mock_module('turtle', mocked.MockTurtle(), 'turtles') self.mock_module('matplotlib.pyplot', mocked.MockPlt(), 'plotting') self.mock_module('designer', mocked.MockDesigner(), 'designer') #self.mock_module('drafter', mocked.MockDrafter(), 'drafter') self.mock_module('microbit', mocked.MockMicrobit(), 'microbit')
def mock_function(self, function_name, new_version): self._module_overrides['__builtins__'][function_name] = new_version def allow_function(self, function_name): self._module_overrides['__builtins__'][function_name] = True def block_function(self, function_name): self._module_overrides['__builtins__'][function_name] = False
[docs] def clear_mocked_function(self, function_name): """ Removes the mocking associated with the given function name. Args: function_name (str): The name of the function to be mocked. """ if function_name in self._module_overrides['__builtins__']: del self._module_overrides['__builtins__'][function_name]
[docs] def allow_module(self, module_name): """ Args: module_name (str): Returns: """ self._module_overrides[module_name] = True return self
[docs] def mock_module(self, module_name, new_version, friendly_name=None): """ Create a mocked version of this module. """ if friendly_name is None: friendly_name = module_name mocked_modules = self.modules.new_module(new_version, module_name, friendly_name) for name, mocked_version in mocked_modules.items(): if name not in self._module_overrides or not self._module_overrides[name]: self._module_overrides[name] = mocked_version return self
[docs] def block_module(self, module_name, friendly_name=None): """ Prevent the module from being loaded in student code. Also unloads the module if it has been imported previously by destroying the variable in the current student `data`. Args: module_name (str): The name of the module to prevent, as it would be used by import (e.g., ``"matplotlib.pyplot"``). friendly_name (str): A more human-readable name for the module. When accessing the module from the Sandbox, this will be the name to use. Returns: Sandbox: This sandbox. """ if friendly_name is None: friendly_name = module_name mocked_modules = self.modules.new_module(mocked.BlockedModule(module_name), module_name, friendly_name) for name, mocked_version in mocked_modules.items(): if name not in self._module_overrides or self._module_overrides[name] is True: self._module_overrides[name] = mocked_version if name in del[name] # self._module_overrides[module_name] = mocked.BlockedModule(module_name) return self
############################################################################ # Code generation def _construct_call(self, function, args, kwargs, args_locals, kwargs_locals, target): """ Turn the given strings into an actual function call string. """ str_args = [arg_name if arg_name is not None else self._make_temporary('arg', str(index), arg_value) for index, (arg_value, arg_name) in enumerate(zip_longest(args, args_locals))] str_kwargs = ["{}={}".format(key, self._make_temporary('kwarg', key, value)) if key not in kwargs_locals else kwargs_locals[key] for key, value in kwargs.items()] arguments = ", ".join(str_args + str_kwargs) call = f"{function}({arguments})" if target is None: actual = call else: actual = f"{target} = {call}" student_call = call if target == "_" else actual return actual, student_call, arguments def _purge_temporaries(self): """ Delete any variables in the namespace that have been made as temporaries. This happens automatically after you execute code. """ for key in self._temporary_variables: if key in self._backup_variables:[key] = self._backup_variables[key] else: del[key] self._temporary_variables.clear() def _make_temporary(self, category, name, value): """ Create a temporary variable in the namespace for the given category/name. This is used to load arguments into the namespace to be used in function calls. Temporaries are only created if the value's repr length is too long, as defined by _is_long_value. Args: category (str): A categorical division for the temporary variable that can help keep the namespace distinctive - there are a few different kinds of categories (e.g., for regular positional args, star args, kwargs). name (str): A distinctive ID for this variable. The final variable name will be "_temporary_<category>_<name>". value: The value for this argument. Returns: str: The new name for the temporary variable. """ if isinstance(value, SandboxVariable): return if len(repr(value)) <= self.MAXIMUM_TEMPORARY_LENGTH: return repr(value) key = '_temporary_{}_{}'.format(category, name) if key in self._backup_variables[key] =[key] self._temporary_variables.add(key)[key] = value return key
[docs] def make_safe_variable(self, name): """ Tries to construct a safe variable name in the current namespace, based off the given one. This is accomplished by appending a "_" and a number of increasing value until no comparable name exists in the namespace. This is particularly useful when you want to create a variable name to assign to, but you are concerned that the user might have a variable with that name already, which their code relies on. Args: name (str): A desired target name. Returns: str: A safe target name, based off the given one. """ current_addition = "" attempt_index = 2 while name + current_addition in current_addition = "_{}".format(attempt_index) attempt_index += 1 return name + current_addition
############################################################################ # Data Namespace Management def clear_data(self): # Temporary data self._temporary_variables.clear() self._backup_variables.clear() self._reset_builtins( @staticmethod def _reset_builtins(data: dict): """ Replace all the existing given `data` with the builtin mocked data. Args: data: Returns: """ data['__builtins__'] = {} for name, value in mocked._default_builtins.items(): data['__builtins__'][name] = value
[docs] def set_student_data(self, new_data): """ Overwrites the existing student data with the keys and values from the ``new_data``. This copies the data over, but does not modify the reference to ``data``'s dictionary. Args: new_data (dict[str, Any]): The new data. Returns: """ self.clear_data() for key, value in new_data.items():[key] = value
[docs] def get_names_by_type(self, type, exclude_builtins=True): """ Args: type: exclude_builtins: Returns: """ result = [] for name, value in if isinstance(value, type): if exclude_builtins and name.startswith('__'): continue result.append(name) return result
[docs] def get_values_by_type(self, type, exclude_builtins=True): """ Args: type: exclude_builtins: Returns: """ names = self.get_names_by_type(type, exclude_builtins) return [[name] for name in names]
[docs] def get_variables_by_type(self, type, exclude_builtins=True): """ Args: type: exclude_builtins: Returns: """ names = self.get_names_by_type(type, exclude_builtins) return [(name,[name]) for name in names]
@property def functions(self): """ Retrieve a list of all the callable names in the students' namespace. In other words, get a list of all the functions the student defined. Returns: list of callables """ return {k: v for k, v in if callable(v)} @property def var(self): """ Returns: """ return {k: SandboxVariable(k, v) for k, v in}
[docs] def get_function(self, by_name): """ Creates an executable function from the given name, based on the student's namespace. This will be executed using the call method. """ return lambda *args, **kwargs:, *args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, item): value, exception = None, None try: value =[item] except KeyError: exception = NameError(f"NameError: name '{item}' is not defined") filename = context_id = self._next_context_id best_context = self._guess_context(item) if best_context is None: context = SandboxContext(context_id, str(item), filename, SandboxContextKind.GETITEM, item, [], "", exception, else: context = best_context.clone(context_id) = str(item) context.exception = exception self._context.append(context) self._next_context_id += 1 if self.result_proxy_class is not None: return self.result_proxy_class(value, context_id=context_id, sandbox=self) return value ############################################################################ # Useful Dunders # def __repr__(self): # return "Sandbox({})".format() def __str__(self): return "Sandbox(contexts={context_count})".format(context_count=len(self._context)) ############################################################################ # Input Handling
[docs] def clear_input(self): """ Removes any inputs queued. """ self.set_input(None) return self
[docs] def set_input(self, inputs, clear=True): """ Queues the given value as the next arguments to the `input` function. """ if inputs is None: self.inputs = [] if clear: self.inputs.clear() if isinstance(inputs, str): self.inputs.append(inputs) elif isinstance(inputs, (int, float, bool)): self.inputs.append(str(inputs)) elif isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)): self.inputs.extend([str(value) for value in inputs]) elif inputs is not None: self.inputs = inputs return self
def _track_inputs(self, context_inputs): """ Wraps an input function with a tracker. """ self._called_inputs = 0 def _input_tracker(*args, **kwargs): if args: prompt = args[0] else: prompt = "" if callable(self.inputs): value_entered = self.inputs(prompt) elif self.inputs: print(prompt) value_entered = self.inputs.pop(0) else: # TODO: Make this smarter, more elegant in choosing IF we should repeat 0 print(prompt) value_entered = '0' self._context[-1].inputs.append(value_entered) self._called_inputs += 1 if self.MAXIMUM_INPUTS is not None: if self.MAXIMUM_INPUTS <= self._called_inputs: raise IOError( f"Asked for user input too many times ({self._called_inputs} times). Perhaps you have an infinite loop?") # context_inputs.append(value_entered) return value_entered return _input_tracker ############################################################################ # Output Handling
[docs] def clear_output(self): """ Remove any output currently attached to this sandbox. """ # Update outputs self.raw_output = "" self.output.clear() return self
[docs] def append_output(self, raw_output, context): """ Adds the string of `raw_output` to the current `raw_output` attribute. The added string will be split on newlines and rstripped to append to the `output` attribute. Args: raw_output (str): The new raw_output for the sandbox. To compute the `output` attribute, the system splits and rstrips at newlines. context (:py:class:``): The currently executing context, where this output will be recorded. """ self.raw_output += raw_output context.output = raw_output if self.raw_output: lines = raw_output.rstrip().split("\n") lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines] self.output.extend(lines)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Removes any existing data in this sandbox. """ self.clear_data() self.clear_context() self.clear_mocks() self.clear_exception() self.clear_input() self.clear_output() self.clear_tracer()