Source code for pedal.sandbox.feedbacks

Generic runtime exception feedback class.

TODO: Use the FeedbackRegistry to properly dispatch the appropriate runtime_error type, instead of reusing the base object
from pedal.core.formatting import wrap_fields
from pedal.core.location import Location
from import MAIN_REPORT
from import format_contexts
from pedal.utilities.exceptions import KeyError, get_exception_name
from import FeedbackResponse
from pedal.sandbox import TOOL_NAME
from pedal.utilities.text import add_indefinite_article

[docs] class runtime_error(FeedbackResponse): """ Used to create all runtime errors. Attributes: exception (Exception): The original exception. exception_name (str): The original name of the exception. exception_message (str): the original error message from the exception. traceback (:py:class:`~pedal.utilities.exceptions.ExpandedTraceback`): An enhanced version of the builtin Traceback object. Has a number of additional fields. traceback_message (str): A nicely formatted version of the traceback. context (list[:py:class:``]): The history of inputs, outputs, executed code, and other information from when this runtime error occurred. Usually just a single element, but sometimes longer if created in a grouping context. If the code was run from a file, then the filename is given. """ tool = TOOL_NAME category = FeedbackResponse.CATEGORIES.RUNTIME kind = FeedbackResponse.KINDS.MISTAKE justification = "A runtime error occurred during execution of some code." version = '1.1.0' constant_fields = {"suggestion": ""} message_template = ( "{context_message}\n" "{exception_name_proper} occurred:\n\n" "{exception_message}\n\n" "{traceback_preamble}{traceback_message}\n" "{suggestion_message}" ) def __init__(self, exception, context, traceback, location, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) exception_name = get_exception_name(exception) exception_name_proper = add_indefinite_article(exception_name) exception_message = str(exception) exception_message = exception_message[0].upper() + exception_message[1:] if exception_message else "" if type(exception) not in EXCEPTION_FF_MAP: title = exception_name else: title = EXCEPTION_FF_MAP[type(exception)].title location = Location(location) traceback_stack = traceback.build_traceback() traceback_message = traceback.format_traceback(traceback_stack, report.format) or "" traceback_preamble = f"The traceback was:\n" if traceback_message else "" context_message = format_contexts(context, report.format) fields = {'exception': exception, 'exception_name': exception_name, 'exception_name_proper': exception_name_proper, 'exception_message': report.format.exception(exception_message), 'location': location, 'traceback': traceback, 'traceback_preamble': traceback_preamble, 'traceback_stack': traceback_stack, 'traceback_message': traceback_message, 'context': context, 'context_message': context_message} fields['suggestion_message'] = self.constant_fields['suggestion'].format(**wrap_fields(report.format, fields)) super().__init__(fields=fields, title=title, location=location, **kwargs)
[docs] class type_error(runtime_error): """ Type Error """ title = "Type Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "Type errors occur when you use an operator or " "function on the wrong type of value. For example, " "using `+` to add to a list (instead of `.append`), or " "dividing a string by a number.\n\n" "Suggestion: To fix a type error, you should trace " "through your code. Make sure each expression has the " "type you expect it to have."}
[docs] class name_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime NameError """ title = "Name Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "A name error means you have used a variable that has " "no value. You may have a typo, so check the " "spelling. Or, you may have forgotten to initialize a " "variable.\n\n" "Suggestion: Trace your code and make sure each " "variable was set before it was read."}
[docs] class value_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime ValueError """ title = "Value Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "A ValueError occurs when you pass the wrong type of " "value to a function. For example, you try to convert " "a string without numbers to an integer (like " "`int('Five')`).\n\n" "Suggestion: Read the error message to see which " "function had the issue. Check what type the function " "expects. Then trace your code to make sure you pass " "in that type."}
[docs] class attribute_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime AttributeError """ title = "Attribute Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "An AttributeError means you used an attribute or " "method that does not exist. For example, you wrote " "`text.delete()` even though there is no `delete` " "method.\n\n" "Suggestion: Make sure that you spelled the method or " "attribute correctly. Then, trace your code to check " "that the dot's left expression is the correct type."}
[docs] class index_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime IndexError """ title = "Index Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "An IndexError means that you indexed past the end of " "a string or a list. For example, if you access index " "5 in a list with 3 items.\n\n" "Suggestion: Remember that the first position in a " "list or string is 0. Often, you will be off by just " "one index position, so check your math. Also, make " "sure the list or string has the right value."}
[docs] class zero_division_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime ZeroDivisionError """ title = "Division by Zero Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "A ZeroDivisionError means you divided by 0. The " "denominator (the right side of a division expression) " "cannot be 0.\n\n" "Suggestion: Check that you are dividing by the " "correct value. Or, you might need to add an `if` " "statement to handle the zero case."}
[docs] class indentation_error(runtime_error): """ Syntax IndentationError """ title = "Indentation Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "An IndentationError means you have not indented your " "code correctly. You have too many or too few spaces.\n\n" "Suggestion: Check the line number, and the lines " "before and after. Check the body of each function " "definition, `if` statement, and `for` loop. Remember, " "all the statements INSIDE of a body have the same " "indentation."}
[docs] class import_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime ImportError """ title = "Import Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "An ImportError means you tried to import a module " "that does not exist. You might have a typo or a file " "might be in the wrong location.\n\n" "Suggestion: Check the spelling and capitalization of " "the module's name. If you are importing a file, then " "check that it is in the correct folder."}
[docs] class io_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime IOError """ title = "Input/Output Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "An IOError means you tried to open a file that was " "not available.\n\n" "Suggestion: Make sure that the file is in the " "correct folder. Then, make sure you spelled the " "filename correctly."}
[docs] class key_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime KeyError """ title = "Key Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "A KeyError means you accessed a non-existent key in " "a dictionary.\n\n" "Suggestion: First, check that you spelled the key " "correctly. Make sure the key has the right type and " "value. Then, check that the dictionary actually has " "that key."}
[docs] class memory_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime MemoryError """ title = "Memory Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "A MemoryError means your program ran out of mental " "space.\n\n" "Suggestion: You might have an infinite loop. Or, you " "might not be filtering your data enough."}
[docs] class timeout_error(runtime_error): """ Runtime TimeoutError """ title = "Timeout Error" constant_fields = {'suggestion': "A TimeoutError means your program took too long to " "run.\n\n" "Suggestion: Check that you do not have an infinite " "loop."}
EXCEPTION_FF_MAP = { TypeError: type_error, NameError: name_error, ValueError: value_error, AttributeError: attribute_error, IndexError: index_error, ZeroDivisionError: zero_division_error, IndentationError: indentation_error, ImportError: import_error, IOError: io_error, KeyError: key_error, MemoryError: memory_error, TimeoutError: timeout_error, }