Source code for pedal.extensions.plotting

Extensions related to MatPlotLib.

Mock module for Sandbox.

from pedal import Feedback, CompositeFeedbackFunction, is_sandbox_result, Sandbox
from pedal.assertions import ensure_function_call, prevent_function_call
from import FeedbackResponse
from import MAIN_REPORT
from import format_contexts
from pedal.types.builtin import BUILTIN_MODULES
from pedal.types.new_types import ModuleType, FunctionType, NoneType
from pedal.cait.find_node import function_is_called
from pedal.cait.cait_api import parse_program, def_use_error
from pedal.sandbox.commands import get_sandbox

PLOT_LABEL = {'plot': 'line plot',
              'hist': 'histogram',
              'scatter': 'scatter plot'}

[docs] class plt_rename_err(Feedback): title = "Wrong MatPlotLib Import" priority = Feedback.CATEGORIES.SYNTAX category = Feedback.CATEGORIES.INSTRUCTOR justification = "The name 'plt' appeared in the code with a def-use error." constant_fields = {'suggestion': 'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', 'actual': 'matplotlib.pyplot', 'expected': 'plt'} message_template = ("You have imported the " "{expected:name} module, " "but you did not rename it to {actual:name} " "using {suggestion:python_expression}.")
[docs] def condition(self): ast = parse_program( plts = [n for n in ast.find_all("Name") if == 'plt'] if plts and any(def_use_error(plt) for plt in plts): return True return False
[docs] class plt_wrong_import(Feedback): title = "Missing MatPlotLib Import" priority = Feedback.CATEGORIES.SYNTAX category = Feedback.CATEGORIES.INSTRUCTOR justification = ("A matplotlib name (e.g., 'plot' or 'hist') was used with" " a def-use error.") constant_fields = {'suggestion': 'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'} message_template = ("You have attempted to use the MatPlotLib " "function named {expected:name}. However, you " "imported MatPlotLib in a way that does not " "allow you to use the function directly. I " "recommend you use {actual:python_expression} instead, " "after you use {suggestion:python_expression}.")
[docs] def condition(self): ast = parse_program( matplotlib_names = ['plot', 'hist', 'scatter', 'title', 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'show'] for name in matplotlib_names: for n in ast.find_all("Name"): if == name: if def_use_error(n): self.fields['actual'] = name self.fields['expected'] = "plt." + name return True return False
[docs] @CompositeFeedbackFunction(plt_rename_err, plt_wrong_import) def prevent_incorrect_plt(**kwargs): """ Confirms that matplotlib.pyplot is being imported correctly. """ return plt_rename_err(**kwargs) or plt_wrong_import(**kwargs)
[docs] @CompositeFeedbackFunction(prevent_function_call, ensure_function_call) def ensure_correct_plot(function_name, report=MAIN_REPORT, **kwargs): """ Checks that the given plot type was correctly called. """ ensure_function_call(function_name, **kwargs) as_code = report.format.python_expression for name, description in PLOT_LABEL.items(): if name == function_name: continue prevent_function_call(name, **kwargs, message=(f"You have called the {as_code(name)} " f"function, which makes a {description}."))
[docs] class ensure_show(Feedback): """ Verifies that the `` function was called. """ title = "Missing Show Function" category = Feedback.CATEGORIES.INSTRUCTOR constant_fields = {'missing': ''} message_template = ("You have not called the {missing:python_expression} " "function, which actually creates the graph.") justification = "The show function was not found as a function call."
[docs] def condition(self): return not function_is_called("show")
[docs] def compare_data(plt_type, correct, given, special_comparison=None): """ Determines whether the given data matches any of the data found in the correct data. This handles plots of different types: if a histogram was plotted with the expected data for a line plot, it will return True. Args: plt_type (str): The expected type of this plot correct (List of Int or List of List of Int): The expected data. given (Dict): The actual plotted data and information special_comparison (callable): A special comparison function to use between the data. If None, then will use the ``==`` operator. Returns: bool: Whether the correct data was found in the given plot. """ if special_comparison is None: def special_comparison(left, right): return left == right # Infer arguments if plt_type == 'hist': correct_xs = None correct_ys = correct elif not correct: correct_xs = [] correct_ys = [] elif isinstance(correct[0], (tuple, list)): # We were given a list of lists of ints correct_xs, correct_ys = correct else: # Assume it is a singular list correct_xs = list(range(len(correct))) correct_ys = correct if given['type'] == 'hist': return special_comparison(correct_ys, given['values']) elif plt_type == 'hist': return special_comparison(correct_ys, given['y']) else: return (special_comparison(correct_xs, given['x']) and special_comparison(correct_ys, given['y']))
def describe_data(given, with_x=False): if given['type'] == 'hist': return given['values'] elif given['type'] == 'line' and not with_x: # TODO: Might need to know if we describe the x-axis too..? return given['y'] else: return [given['x'], given['y']] GRAPH_TYPES = {'line': 'line plot', 'hist': 'histogram', 'scatter': 'scatter plot'} def get_diff(expected, actual, format): if isinstance(actual, bool): return ("\nI expected the data to be:\n" + format.python_value(repr(expected))) if len(actual) == 1: return ("\nI expected the data to be:\n" + format.python_value(repr(expected)) + "\nBut instead, the data was:\n" + format.python_value(repr(actual[0]))) return ("\nI expected the data to be:\n" + format.python_value(repr(expected)) + f"\nBut instead, I found {len(actual)} plots, with this data:\n" + "\n".join(format.python_value(repr(a)) for a in actual))
[docs] class BadGraphFeedback(FeedbackResponse): category = Feedback.CATEGORIES.SPECIFICATION valence = Feedback.NEGATIVE_VALENCE kind = Feedback.KINDS.CONSTRAINT def __init__(self, plt_type, expected, actual, context=None, report=MAIN_REPORT, **kwargs): fields = kwargs.setdefault('fields', {}) fields['plt_type'] = plt_type fields['expected'] = expected fields['actual'] = actual fields['diff_message'] = get_diff(expected, actual, report.format) fields['context'] = context if is_sandbox_result(context): context_id = context._actual_context_id sandbox = context._actual_sandbox actual_context = sandbox.get_context(context_id) fields['context_message'] = "\n "+format_contexts([actual_context], report.format) else: fields['context_message'] = "" super().__init__(plt_type, expected, actual, report=report, **kwargs)
[docs] class other_plt(BadGraphFeedback): title = "Plotting Another Graph" message_template = ("You have created a {plt_type}, but it does not " "have the right data. That data appears to have been " "plotted in another graph.{context_message}")
[docs] class wrong_plt_data(BadGraphFeedback): title = "Plot Data Incorrect" message_template = ("You have created a {plt_type}, but it does not have " "the right data.{context_message}{diff_message}")
[docs] class wrong_plt_type(BadGraphFeedback): title = "Wrong Plot Type" message_template = ("You have plotted the right data, but you appear to " "have not plotted it as a {plt_type}.{context_message}")
[docs] class no_plt(BadGraphFeedback): title = "Missing Plot" message_template = "You have not created a {plt_type} with the proper data.{context_message}"
[docs] @CompositeFeedbackFunction(other_plt, wrong_plt_data, wrong_plt_type, no_plt) def assert_plot(plt_type, data, context=None, special_comparison=None, **kwargs): """ Check whether a plot with the given ``plt_type`` and ``data`` exists. If the plot was found successfully, returns False. Otherwise, returns the feedback that was detected. Args: plt_type (str): Either 'line', 'hist', or 'scatter' data (list): The expected data to check in the plots. Could be a single list of numbers, or a pair of two lists (for scatter/line plots). """ report = kwargs.get("report", MAIN_REPORT) # Allow instructor to use "plot" instead of "line" as type if plt_type == 'plot': plt_type = 'line' # Check the plots to see if there is a plot with the data type_found = False data_found = False plots = get_sandbox(report=report).modules.plotting.plots appropriate_plots = [] for graph in plots: for a_plot in graph['data']: data_found_here = compare_data(plt_type, data, a_plot, special_comparison=special_comparison) expected_two_lists = isinstance(data, (tuple, list)) had_x_values = 'x' in a_plot if a_plot['type'] == plt_type and data_found_here: return False if a_plot['type'] == plt_type: type_found = True appropriate_plots.append(describe_data(a_plot, not expected_two_lists)) incompatible_plot_amounts = had_x_values and not expected_two_lists if data_found_here: data_found = data_found_here # Figure out what kind of mistake was made. plt_type = GRAPH_TYPES.get(plt_type, plt_type) if type_found and data_found: return other_plt(plt_type, data, data_found) elif plt_type == 'line' and type_found and not data_found and incompatible_plot_amounts: return wrong_plt_data(plt_type, data, appropriate_plots, context=context) elif type_found: return wrong_plt_data(plt_type, data, appropriate_plots, context=context) elif data_found: return wrong_plt_type(plt_type, data, data_found) else: return no_plt(plt_type, data, data_found)
[docs] def get_plots(report=MAIN_REPORT): """ Retrieves any plots made by the user. The general structure is as follows: .. code-block::python plots = [ { 'title': str, 'xlabel': str, 'ylabel': str, 'legend': bool 'data': { 'type': str # either 'line' or 'scatter' or 'hist' 'label': str # If 'hist' type 'values': list[float] # If 'scatter' or 'line' type 'x': list[float], 'y': list[float] } } # ... ] """ return get_sandbox(report=report).modules.plotting.plots
def clear_plots(report=MAIN_REPORT): get_sandbox(report=report).modules.plotting._reset_plots()