Source code for pedal.core.tool

Tools are effectively submodules within Pedal - notable exceptions are
:py:mod:`pedal.core`, :py:mod:`pedal.environments`,
:py:mod:`pedal.utilities`, and :py:mod:`pedal.resolvers`.

All Tools with any kind of state are expected to have a `reset` function.
Although this can take parameters, we recommend avoiding that. The `reset`
should be for putting things back into a "null" state, and then you could have
followup functions that also give initial state.

Tools should avoid removing their references (i.e., clear out data from lists
and dictionaries instead of assigning a new one).

Tools should define a ```` file with any useful constants. One of
these should be ``TOOL_NAME``, a string value indicating their desired namespace
(e.g., ``TOOL_NAME = "source"``).

Tools should define a ```` module that centralizes
:term:`Feedback Functions<Feedback Function>` for that tool.

Any function that interacts with Reports should expose a ``report`` parameter
that defaults to :py:data:``. All internal
functions should respect the ``report`` that was passed in, and not assume the

Tools are allowed to store state within their namespace of a
If the tool has not yet been initialized, its `reset` function will be called.
You can update and access fields via dictionary access.

.. code-block:: python

    report[TOOL_NAME]['my field'] = False

The ```` file for a Tool should use  ``__all__`` to expose any
interesting teacher-level functions, classes, and data. That way, teachers can
just consistently use ``from pedal.tool import *`` to instantly gain access to
the interesting set of members.


__all__ = ['ToolRegistration']

[docs] class ToolRegistration: """ ToolRegistration is a data class for holding general, system-wide information about a Tool. Note that it doesn't hold the tool's data, just the static information about the tool like its reset function. Attributes: name (str): The formal name of this tool. reset (callable): A function defined for initializing and re-initializing the tool's data. """ def __init__(self, name, reset): = name self.reset = reset