Source code for pedal.assertions.static

Collection of feedback functions related to static checks of student code.
    import dataclasses
except ImportError:
    dataclasses = None
import ast

from pedal.assertions.classes import (missing_dataclass, dataclass_not_available,
                                      missing_field_type, too_few_fields, too_many_fields,
                                      duplicate_dataclass_definition, invalid_field_type,
                                      wrong_fields_type, name_is_not_a_dataclass, missing_dataclass_annotation,
                                      unknown_field, wrong_field_order)
from pedal.assertions.functions import *
from pedal.cait.cait_api import parse_program, find_match, find_matches
from pedal.assertions.feedbacks import AssertionFeedback
from pedal.cait.find_node import find_operation, find_function_calls, find_function_definition
from import CompositeFeedbackFunction, Feedback, FeedbackResponse
from pedal.core.location import Location
from import MAIN_REPORT
from pedal.core.commands import compliment as core_compliment, give_partial, explain, gently
from pedal.tifa.commands import tifa_type_check
from pedal.types.normalize import normalize_type
from pedal.types.new_types import is_subtype
from pedal.utilities.ast_tools import AST_NODE_NAMES

class EnsureAssertionFeedback(AssertionFeedback):
    """ Abstract base class for assertions preventing things. """
    def __init__(self, name, at_least=1, root=None, **kwargs):
        report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT)
        root = root or parse_program(report=report)
        root_message = "" if not root else " (inside of some other code)"
        fields = {'name': name, 'at_least': at_least, 'capacity': '',
                  'root': root, 'name_message':,
                  'root_message': root_message}
        super().__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)

    def _check_usage(self, field_name, uses):
        at_least = self.fields['at_least']
        self.fields[field_name] = use_count = len(uses)
        if at_least > use_count:
            if at_least == 1:
                return True
                self.fields['capacity'] = (f" at least {at_least} times, but"
                                           f" you used it {use_count} times")
                return True
        return False

class PreventAssertionFeedback(AssertionFeedback):
    """ Abstract base class for assertions preventing things. """
    def __init__(self, name, at_most=0, root=None, **kwargs):
        report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT)
        root = root or parse_program(report=report)
        root_message = "" if not root else " (inside of some other code)"
        fields = {'name': name, 'at_most': at_most, 'capacity': '',
                  'root': root, 'name_message':,
                  'root_message': root_message}
        super().__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)

    def _check_usage(self, field_name, uses):
        at_most = self.fields['at_most']
        self.fields[field_name] = use_count = len(uses)
        if use_count and at_most < use_count:
            if at_most == 0:
                return True
                self.fields['capacity'] = (f" more than {at_most} times, but"
                                           f" you used it {use_count} times")
                return True
        return False

[docs] class prevent_function_call(PreventAssertionFeedback): """ Determine if a function was ever called by statically checking the students' code. # TODO: also check the TIFA records to see if the function was read Args: name (str): The name of the function (e.g., ``'sum'``) at_most (int): The maximum number of times you are allowed to call this function. Defaults to ``0``. """ title = "May Not Use Function" message_template = ("You used the function {name_message} on line " "{location.line}. You may not use that function" "{capacity}.")
[docs] def condition(self): """ Use find_matches to check number of occurrences. """ name = self.fields['name'] calls = find_function_calls(name, root=self.fields['root']) if calls: self.update_location(Location.from_ast(calls[-1])) return self._check_usage('call_count', calls)
[docs] class ensure_function_call(EnsureAssertionFeedback): """ Determine that a function was definitely called by statically checking the students' code. # TODO: Allow parameter to force this to be a method xor/or function call # TODO: Allow set to be passed in for OR, or list for AND, for multiples # TODO: also check the TIFA records to see if the function was read Args: name (str): The name of the function (e.g., ``'sum'``) at_most (int): The maximum number of times you are allowed to call this function. Defaults to ``0``. """ title = "Must Use Function" message_template = "You must use the function {name_message}{capacity}."
[docs] def condition(self): """ Use find_matches to check number of occurrences. """ name = self.fields['name'] calls = find_function_calls(name, root=self.fields['root']) return self._check_usage('call_count', calls)
[docs] class prevent_operation(PreventAssertionFeedback): """ Determines if the given operator `op_name` is not used anywhere. Otherwise, returns `None`. You can specify the operator as a string like `"+"` or `"<<"`. Supports all comparison, boolean, binary, and unary operators. Args: name (str): The name of the function (e.g., ``'sum'``) at_most (int): The maximum number of times you are allowed to call this function. Defaults to ``0``. """ title = "May Not Use Operator" message_template = ("You used the operator {name_message} on line " "{location.line}. You may not use that operator" "{capacity}.")
[docs] def condition(self): """ Use find_matches to check number of occurrences. """ name = self.fields['name'] self.fields['name_message'] = uses = list(find_operation(name, root=self.fields['root'])) if uses: self.update_location(Location.from_ast(uses[-1])) return self._check_usage('use_count', uses)
[docs] class ensure_operation(EnsureAssertionFeedback): """ Determines if the given operator `op_name` is used somewhere. You can specify the operator as a string like `"+"` or `"<<"`. Supports all comparison, boolean, binary, and unary operators. Args: name (str): The name of the function (e.g., ``'sum'``) at_least (int): The minimum number of times you must call this function. Defaults to ``1``. """ title = "Must Use Operator" message_template = "You must use the operator {name_message}{capacity}."
[docs] def condition(self): """ Use find_matches to check number of occurrences. """ name = self.fields['name'] self.fields['name_message'] = uses = list(find_operation(name, root=self.fields['root'])) if uses: self.update_location(Location.from_ast(uses[-1])) return self._check_usage('use_count', uses)
ensure_operator = ensure_operation prevent_operator = prevent_operation
[docs] class prevent_literal(PreventAssertionFeedback): """ Make sure that the given literal value does not appear in the student's code. """ title = "May Not Use Literal Value" message_template = ("You used the literal value {literal_message:python_expression} on line " "{location.line}. You may not use that value" "{capacity}.") def __init__(self, literal, at_most=0, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'literal': literal, 'at_most': at_most, 'capacity': '', 'root': root, 'literal_message': repr(literal)} super(AssertionFeedback, self).__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self): literal = self.fields['literal'] uses = self.fields['root'].find_matches(repr(literal)) if uses: self.update_location(uses[-1].match_location(False)) return self._check_usage('use_count', uses)
# TODO: ensure_literal does not recognize None?
[docs] class ensure_literal(EnsureAssertionFeedback): """ Make sure that the given literal value does appear in the student's code. """ title = "Must Use Literal Value" message_template = "You must use the literal value {literal_message}{capacity}." def __init__(self, literal, at_least=1, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'literal': literal, 'at_least': at_least, 'capacity': '', 'root': root, 'literal_message': report.format.python_expression(repr(literal))} super(AssertionFeedback, self).__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self): literal = self.fields['literal'] uses = self.fields['root'].find_matches(repr(literal)) if uses: self.update_location(uses[-1].match_location(False)) return self._check_usage('use_count', uses)
[docs] class prevent_literal_type(PreventAssertionFeedback): """ Make sure that the given literal value does not appear in the student's code. """ title = "May Not Use Type of Literal Value" message_template = ("You used the literal value type " "{literal_type_message:python_expression} on line {location.line}." " You may not use that type of value{capacity}.") def __init__(self, literal_type, at_most=0, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'literal_type': literal_type, 'at_most': at_most, 'capacity': '', 'root': root, 'literal_type_message': literal_type.__name__} super(AssertionFeedback, self).__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self): literal_type = self.fields['literal_type'] if literal_type == bool: uses = (self.fields['root'].find_matches("False") + self.fields['root'].find_matches("True")) uses = [match.match_root for match in uses] elif literal_type == str: uses = self.fields['root'].find_all("Str") elif literal_type in (int, float): uses = [node for node in self.fields['root'].find_all("Num") if isinstance(node.value, literal_type)] elif literal_type == list: uses = self.fields['root'].find_all("List") elif literal_type == dict: uses = self.fields['root'].find_all("Dict") else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown literal type: {literal_type}") if uses: self.update_location(uses[-1].lineno) return self._check_usage('use_count', uses)
[docs] class ensure_literal_type(EnsureAssertionFeedback): """ Make sure that the given type of literal value does appear in the student's code. """ title = "Must Use Type of Literal Value" message_template = "You must use a literal value of type {literal_type_message:python_expression}{capacity}." def __init__(self, literal_type, at_least=1, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'literal_type': literal_type, 'at_least': at_least, 'capacity': '', 'root': root, 'literal_type_message': literal_type.__name__} super(AssertionFeedback, self).__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self): literal_type = self.fields['literal_type'] if literal_type == bool: uses = (self.fields['root'].find_matches("False")+ self.fields['root'].find_matches("True")) uses = [match.match_root for match in uses] elif literal_type == str: uses = self.fields['root'].find_all("Str") elif literal_type in (int, float): uses = [node for node in self.fields['root'].find_all("Num") if isinstance(node.value, literal_type)] elif literal_type == list: uses = self.fields['root'].find_all("List") elif literal_type == dict: uses = self.fields['root'].find_all("Dict") else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown literal type: {literal_type}") if uses: self.update_location(uses[-1].lineno) return self._check_usage('use_count', uses)
[docs] class prevent_ast(PreventAssertionFeedback): """ Determines if the given ast `name` is not used anywhere, returning the node of it if it is. You can refer to Green Tree Snakes documentation for more information about AST Names: Args: name (str): The name of the function (e.g., ``'sum'``) at_most (int): The maximum number of times you are allowed to use this AST. Defaults to ``0``. """ title = "May Not Use Code" message_template = ("You used {name_message} on line " "{location.line}. You may not use that" "{capacity}.") justification_template = ("Incorrectly found a {name_message}{capacity}{root_message}.", "Correctly found a {name_message}{capacity}{root_message}.")
[docs] def condition(self): """ Use find_all to check number of occurrences. """ name = self.fields['name'] self.fields['name_message'] = AST_NODE_NAMES.get(name, name) uses = list(self.fields['root'].find_all(name)) if uses: self.update_location(Location.from_ast(uses[-1])) return self._check_usage('use_count', uses)
[docs] class ensure_ast(EnsureAssertionFeedback): """ Determines if the given ast `name` is used anywhere, returning the node of it if it is. You can refer to Green Tree Snakes documentation for more information about AST Names: Args: name (str): The name of the node. at_least (int): The minimum number of times you must use this node. Defaults to ``1``. """ title = "Must Use Code" message_template = "You must use {name_message}{capacity}." justification_template = ("Failed to find a {name_message}{capacity}{root_message}.", "Successfully found a {name_message}{capacity}{root_message}.")
[docs] def condition(self): """ Use find_all to check number of occurrences. """ name = self.fields['name'] self.fields['name_message'] = AST_NODE_NAMES.get(name, name) uses = list(self.fields['root'].find_all(name)) if uses: self.update_location(Location.from_ast(uses[-1])) return self._check_usage('use_count', uses)
[docs] def function_prints(function_name): """ Determine that the print function is called within this function, by tracing its code statically. Does not actually verify that the function was ever called in practice. Args: function_name (str): The name of the function to search. Returns: """ return ensure_function_call('print', root=find_function_definition(function_name))
[docs] def has_import(ast, name): """ Determine if the given module name is in the code. Args: ast (:py:class:`pedal.cait.cait_node.CaitNode`): The starting point to search. name (str): The name of the module to match against. Returns: bool: Whether or not the module name was matched. """ imports = ast.find_all("Import") import_froms = ast.find_all("ImportFrom") # What about ``import <name>`` if imports and any(alias._name == name for i in imports for alias in i.names): return True # What about ``from <name> import *`` if import_froms and any(i.module == name for i in import_froms): return True return False
[docs] class ensure_import(EnsureAssertionFeedback): """ Verify that the given ``module`` has been imported, by statically checking the import statements in the code. The ``at_least`` parameter is ignored. """ title = "Must Import Module" message_template = "You must import the module {name_message}."
[docs] def condition(self): """ Traverse the AST to find matches. """ name = self.fields['name'] ast = self.fields['root'] return not has_import(ast, name)
[docs] class prevent_import(PreventAssertionFeedback): """ Verify that the given ``module`` has not been imported, by statically checking the import statements in the code. The ``at_most`` parameter is ignored. """ title = "May Not Import Module" message_template = "You may not import the module {name_message}."
[docs] def condition(self): """ Traverse the AST to find matches. """ name = self.fields['name'] ast = self.fields['root'] return has_import(ast, name)
[docs] class ensure_documented_functions(AssertionFeedback): """ Checks that all of the functions in the source code are documented. """ title = "Must Document Functions" message_template = ("You must document the following function{plural}:" " {names_message}.") def __init__(self, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'root': root} super().__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self): """ Traverse the AST to find matches. """ defs = self.fields['root'].find_all('FunctionDef') names = [] for a_def in defs: # Don't have to document constructors (happens in Class Def) if == "__init__": continue if (a_def.body and (a_def.body[0].ast_name != "Expr" or a_def.body[0].value.ast_name not in ("Str", "Constant"))): names.append( self.fields['names'] = names self.fields['names_message'] = ", ".join( for name in names) self.fields['plural'] = 's' if names else '' return bool(names)
""" New assertions: prevent_literal(literal_value: Any) prevent_function_call(function_name: str) # Whether it was detected statically prevent_operation(operator: str) prevent_import(module_name: str) prevent_ast(ast_name: str) TODO: prevent_source_text(code: str, missing=False, minimum=2, maximum=3) TODO: prevent_traced_call(function_name: str)# Whether it was detected dynamically TODO: prevent_name(variable_name: str) TODO: prevent_assignment(variable_name: str, type: str, value: Any) TODO: ensure_function ensure_prints(count) ensure_function_call('print', at_least=count) ensure_function_call('print', at_most=count) function_prints => ensure_function_call('print', root=match_signature('name') """ # TODO: wait, is this a positive feedback group waiting to happen?
[docs] @CompositeFeedbackFunction(missing_function, duplicate_function_definition, too_few_parameters, too_many_parameters, missing_parameter_type, invalid_parameter_type, wrong_parameter_type, wrong_return_type, missing_return_type) def ensure_function(name, arity=None, parameters=None, returns=None, root=None, compliment=False, **kwargs): """ Checks that the function exists and has the right signature. """ report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) defs = root.find_all('FunctionDef') defs = [a_def for a_def in defs if a_def._name == name] if not defs: return missing_function(name, **kwargs) if len(defs) > 1: lines = [Location.from_ast(a_def) for a_def in defs] return duplicate_function_definition(name, lines, **kwargs) definition = defs[0] # Actual logic # 1.2.1 'arity' style - simply checks number of parameters if arity is not None or parameters is not None: expected_arity = arity if arity is not None else len(parameters) actual_arity = len(definition.args.args) if actual_arity < expected_arity: return too_few_parameters(name, actual_arity, expected_arity, **kwargs) elif actual_arity > expected_arity: return too_many_parameters(name, actual_arity, expected_arity, **kwargs) # 1.2.2 'parameters' style - checks each parameter's name and type if parameters is not None: actual_parameters = definition.args.args for expected_parameter, actual_parameter in zip(parameters, actual_parameters): expected_parameter_type = normalize_type(expected_parameter, tifa_type_check).as_type() actual_parameter_name = ( if is not None else actual_parameter.arg) if actual_parameter.annotation is None: return missing_parameter_type(name, actual_parameter_name, expected_parameter_type, **kwargs) try: actual_parameter_type = normalize_type(actual_parameter.annotation.ast_node, tifa_type_check).as_type() except ValueError as e: return invalid_parameter_type(name, actual_parameter_name, actual_parameter.annotation, expected_parameter_type, **kwargs) if not is_subtype(actual_parameter_type, expected_parameter_type): return wrong_parameter_type(name, actual_parameter_name, actual_parameter_type, expected_parameter_type, **kwargs) # 1.2.3. 'returns' style - checks the return type explicitly if returns is not None: expected_returns = normalize_type(returns, tifa_type_check).as_type() if definition.returns is None: return missing_return_type(name, expected_returns, **kwargs) try: actual_returns = normalize_type(definition.returns.ast_node, tifa_type_check).as_type() except ValueError as e: return invalid_return_type(name, definition.returns, expected_returns, **kwargs) if not is_subtype(actual_returns, expected_returns): return wrong_return_type(name, actual_returns, expected_returns, **kwargs) # Alternatively, returns positive FF? if compliment: if isinstance(compliment, str): core_compliment(compliment, label="function_defined", **kwargs) elif compliment is True: core_compliment(f"Defined {name}", label="function_defined", **kwargs) elif kwargs.get("score"): give_partial(kwargs.pop("score"), label="function_defined", **kwargs) return None
[docs] @CompositeFeedbackFunction(missing_dataclass, duplicate_dataclass_definition, too_few_fields, too_many_fields, invalid_field_type, unknown_field, missing_field_type, wrong_fields_type, name_is_not_a_dataclass, dataclass_not_available, missing_dataclass_annotation) def ensure_dataclass(name, fields=None, root=None, compliment=False, **kwargs): """ Ensures that the actual definition for the given class exists. You can provide either a string and fields, or an instructor-defined version Arguments: name (str or dataclass): Either the name of the expected dataclass, or a dataclass object (not an instance). fields (dict): A dictionary of field names to types. root (CaitNode): The AST to search through; defaults to program root. compliment (str or bool): If True, will use the compliment function to provide positive feedback. If a string, will use that string as the compliment. If False, will not provide positive feedback. """ if isinstance(name, str): # Fields will be a dictionary or class if fields is None: fields = {} # Or assume it is a dataclass provided by the instructor else: fields = { field.type for field in dataclasses.fields(name)} name = name.__name__ # Inspect the code for the definition report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) defs = root.find_all('ClassDef') defs = [a_def for a_def in defs if a_def._name == name] if not defs: return missing_dataclass(name, **kwargs) if len(defs) > 1: lines = [Location.from_ast(a_def) for a_def in defs] return duplicate_dataclass_definition(name, lines, **kwargs) definition = defs[0] definition_fields = [line for line in definition.body if isinstance(line.ast_node, ast.AnnAssign) and line.simple] # TODO: Support ast.Assign nodes for default values # 1. Make sure import is present missing_import = ensure_import('dataclasses') if missing_import: return missing_import for decorator in definition.decorator_list: # TODO: Support the @dataclasses.dataclass style too if isinstance(decorator.ast_node, ast.Name) and == 'dataclass': break else: return missing_dataclass_annotation(name, **kwargs) # 2. Confirm the number of fields expected_arity = len(fields) actual_arity = len(definition_fields) if actual_arity < expected_arity: return too_few_fields(name, actual_arity, expected_arity, **kwargs) elif actual_arity > expected_arity: return too_many_fields(name, actual_arity, expected_arity, **kwargs) # 3. checks each field's name and type for actual_field in definition_fields: actual_field_name = if actual_field_name not in fields: return unknown_field(name, actual_field_name, **kwargs) expected_field = fields[actual_field_name] expected_field_type = normalize_type(expected_field, tifa_type_check).as_type() if actual_field.annotation is None: return missing_field_type(name, actual_field_name, expected_field_type, **kwargs) try: actual_field_type = normalize_type(actual_field.annotation.ast_node, tifa_type_check).as_type() except ValueError as e: return invalid_field_type(name, actual_field_name, actual_field.annotation, expected_field_type, **kwargs) if not is_subtype(actual_field_type, expected_field_type): return wrong_fields_type(name, actual_field_name, actual_field_type, expected_field_type, **kwargs) for actual_field, expected_field in zip(definition_fields, fields.keys()): actual_field_name = if actual_field_name != expected_field: return wrong_field_order(name, actual_field_name, expected_field, **kwargs) # Alternatively, returns positive FF? if compliment: if isinstance(compliment, str): core_compliment(compliment, label="dataclass_defined", **kwargs) elif compliment is True: core_compliment(f"Defined {name}", label="dataclass_defined", **kwargs) elif kwargs.get("score"): give_partial(kwargs.pop("score"), label="dataclass_defined", **kwargs) return None
[docs] @CompositeFeedbackFunction(prevent_function_call, ensure_function_call) def ensure_prints_exactly(count, **kwargs): """ DEPRECATED. Used to ensure that the student's code calls the print function a certain number of times. Args: count (int): The minimum and maximum number of times you can call print. Returns: bool: Whether or not both the maximum and minimum was met. """ return (ensure_function_call('print', at_least=count, **kwargs) and prevent_function_call('print', at_most=count, **kwargs))
[docs] class ensure_starting_code(AssertionFeedback): """Detects if the given code is missing.""" title = "Don't Change Starting Code" message_template = "You have changed or removed the starting code. " def __init__(self, code, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'code': code, 'root': root} super().__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self): """ Traverse the AST to find matches. """ code = self.fields['code'] ast = self.fields['root'] return not ast.find_match(code)
[docs] class prevent_embedded_answer(AssertionFeedback): """ Detects if the given code is present. """ title = "Don't Write Answer Directly" message_template = ("You have embedded the answer directly in your code, " "instead of writing code to compute the answer.") def __init__(self, code, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'code': code, 'root': root} super().__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self): """ Traverse the AST to find matches. """ code = self.fields['code'] ast = self.fields['root'] return ast.find_match(code)
[docs] class prevent_printing_functions(AssertionFeedback): """ Detects if the user has defined a function with a print statement inside. Args: exceptions: A set of function names (or a single string) of functions to allow to print (e.g., `'main'`). """ title = "Do Not Print in Function" message_template = ("The function {name} is printing on line {location.line:line}." " However, that function is not supposed to print.") def __init__(self, exceptions=None, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'root': root, 'exceptions': exceptions} super().__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self, *args, **kwargs): exceptions = self.fields['exceptions'] if exceptions is None: exceptions = set() elif isinstance(exceptions, str): exceptions = {exceptions} root = self.fields['root'] defs = root.find_all("FunctionDef") for a_def in defs: name = a_def._name if name in exceptions: continue for call in find_function_calls("print", root=a_def, location = call.locate() self.fields['name'] = name self.update_location(location) return True return False
[docs] class ensure_functions_return(AssertionFeedback): """ Detects if the user has defined a function with a print statement inside. Args: exceptions: A set of function names (or a single string) of functions to allow to print (e.g., `'main'`). """ title = "Must Return in Function" message_template = ("The function {name} is not returning." " However, that function is supposed to have a return statement.") def __init__(self, exceptions=None, root=None, **kwargs): report = kwargs.get('report', MAIN_REPORT) root = root or parse_program(report=report) fields = {'root': root, 'exceptions': exceptions} super().__init__(fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self, *args, **kwargs): exceptions = self.fields['exceptions'] if exceptions is None: exceptions = set() elif isinstance(exceptions, str): exceptions = {exceptions} root = self.fields['root'] defs = root.find_all("FunctionDef") for a_def in defs: name = a_def._name if name in exceptions: continue if not a_def.find_match("return"): self.fields['name'] = name return True return False
[docs] class only_printing_variables(AssertionFeedback): """ Determines whether the user is only printing variables, as opposed to literal values. """ title="Print Variables, Not Values" message_template=("You printed something other than a variable on" " line {location.line:line}. Although that is not a" " normally an issue, we want you to practice printing" " variables in this problem.") def __init__(self, root=None, **kwargs): fields = kwargs.setdefault('fields', {}) report = kwargs.setdefault('report', MAIN_REPORT) fields['root'] = root or parse_program(report=report) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def condition(self): """ Uses find_all to detect matches, ignoring named values. """ print_calls = find_function_calls('print', root=self.fields['root'], for print_call in print_calls: for arg in print_call.args: if arg.ast_name != "Name": self.update_location(print_call.lineno) return True elif in ("True", "False", "None"): self.update_location(print_call.lineno) return True return False
ADVANCED_ITERATION_FUNCTIONS = [ "sum", "map", "filter", "reduce", "len", "max", "min", "max", "sorted", "all", "any", "getattr", "setattr", "eval", "exec", "iter", "next" ]
[docs] @CompositeFeedbackFunction(prevent_ast, prevent_function_call) def prevent_advanced_iteration(allow_while=False, allow_for=False, allow_function=None, **kwargs): """ Prevents the student from using certain advanced iteration functions and constructs. Does not currently support blocking recursion. """ if isinstance(allow_function, str): allow_function = {allow_function} elif allow_function is None: allow_function = set() if not allow_while: prevent_ast("While") if not allow_for: prevent_ast("For") for function_name in ADVANCED_ITERATION_FUNCTIONS: if function_name not in allow_function: prevent_function_call(function_name, **kwargs)
[docs] class open_without_arguments(FeedbackResponse): """ Detects if the user has called the `open` function without any arguments. """ muted = False title = "Opened Without Arguments" message_template = ("You have called the `open` function " "without any arguments. It needs a filename.") category = Feedback.CATEGORIES.INSTRUCTOR
[docs] @CompositeFeedbackFunction(open_without_arguments, ensure_literal) def files_not_handled_correctly(*filenames, muted=False): """ Statically detect if files have been opened and closed correctly. This is only useful in the case of very simplistic file handling. TODO: This could be vastly improved with line numbers and other information. """ if filenames and isinstance(filenames[0], int): num_filenames = filenames[0] actual_filenames = False else: num_filenames = len(filenames) actual_filenames = True ast = parse_program() calls = ast.find_all("Call") called_open = [] closed = [] for a_call in calls: if a_call.func.ast_name == 'Name': if == 'open': if not a_call.args: open_without_arguments(muted) return True called_open.append(a_call) elif == 'close': explain("You have attempted to call `close` as a " "function, but it is actually a method of the " "file object.", label="used_close_as_function", title="Close Is a Method", priority='syntax') return True elif a_call.func.ast_name == 'Attribute': if a_call.func.attr == 'open': # TODO: Make these feedback functions explain("You have attempted to call `open` as a " "method, but it is actually a built-in function.", label="used_open_as_method", title="Open Is a Function") return True elif a_call.func.attr == 'close': closed.append(a_call) if len(called_open) < num_filenames: explain("You have not opened all the files you were supposed to.", label="unopened_files", title="Unopened Files") return True elif len(called_open) > num_filenames: explain("You have opened more files than you were supposed to.", label="extra_open_files", title="Extra Opened Files") return True withs = ast.find_all("With") if len(withs) + len(closed) < num_filenames: explain("You have not closed all the files you were supposed to.", label="unclosed_files", title="Unclosed Files") return True elif len(withs) + len(closed) > num_filenames: explain("You have closed more files than you were supposed to.", label="extra_closed_files", title="Extra Closed Files") return True if actual_filenames: for filename in filenames: ensured = ensure_literal(filename) if ensured: return ensured return False