Assertions ========== There are two major kinds of assertions: static and runtime. Static ------ .. function:: prevent_function_call(function_name: str, at_most=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the function is not called, generating Feedback if it is. This is a very simple check, simply looking for any ``function_name`` calls inside the code. It does not check if the function is actually called at runtime, or if that code is reachable! If ``at_most`` is provided, allows them to call the function at most that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student will not be able to call the function "hello_world" prevent_function_call("hello_world") # Students can't call "hello_world" more than twice prevent_function_call("hello_world", at_most=2) # Students can't call the function "add" prevent_function_call("add") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.prevent_function_call .. function:: ensure_function_call(function_name: str, at_least=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the function IS called, generating feedback if it is not. This is a very simple check, simply looking for any ``function_name`` calls inside the code. It does not check if the function is actually called at runtime, or if that code is reachable! If ``at_least`` is provided, requires they call the function at least that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student must call the function "hello_world" ensure_function_call("hello_world") # Students must call "hello_world" at least twice ensure_function_call("hello_world", at_least=2) # Students must call the function "add" ensure_function_call("add") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_function_call .. function:: prevent_operation(operation: str, at_most=0, root=None) -> Feedback prevent_operator(operation: str, at_most=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the operation is not in the code, generating Feedback if it is. This is a very simple check, simply looking for any ``operation`` calls inside the code. It does not check if the operation is actually called at runtime, or if that code is reachable! The ``operation`` should be provided as a string like ``"+"`` or `"<<"``. All comparison, boolean, binary, and unary operations are supported. If ``at_most`` is provided, allows them to use the operation at most that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student will not be able to use the addition operator prevent_operation("+") # Students can't use multiplication more than twice prevent_operation("*", at_most=2) # Students can't use the bitwise invert operator prevent_operation("~") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.prevent_operation .. function:: ensure_operation(operation: str, at_least=0, root=None) -> Feedback ensure_operator(operation: str, at_least=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the operation IS in the code, generating feedback if it is not. This is a very simple check, simply looking for any ``operation`` calls inside the code. It does not check if the operation is actually called at runtime, or if that code is reachable! The ``operation`` should be provided as a string like ``"+"`` or `"<<"``. All comparison, boolean, binary, and unary operations are supported. If ``at_least`` is provided, requires they use the operation at least that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student must use the addition operator ensure_operation("+") # Students must use multiplication at least twice ensure_operation("*", at_least=2) # Students must use the bitwise invert operator ensure_operation("~") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_operation .. function:: prevent_literal(literal: Any, at_most=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the literal is not in the code, generating Feedback if it is. You can use literal any values including strings, integers, floats, booleans, lists, sets, tuples, dictionaries, and None. If ``at_most`` is provided, allows them to use the literal at most that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student will not be able to embed the literal 5 prevent_literal(5) # Students can't use 5 more than twice prevent_literal(5, at_most=2) # Students can't use the string "hello" prevent_literal("hello") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.prevent_literal .. function:: ensure_literal(literal: Any) -> Feedback Confirms that the literal IS in the code, generating feedback if it is. You can use literal any values including strings, integers, floats, booleans, lists, sets, tuples, dictionaries, and None. If ``at_least`` is provided, requires they use the literal at least that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student must use the literal 5 ensure_literal(5) # Students must use 5 at least twice ensure_literal(5, at_least=2) # Students must use the string "hello" ensure_literal("hello") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_literal .. function:: prevent_literal_type(literal_type: type, at_most=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the literal type is not in the code, generating Feedback if it is. You can use the following literal types: ``int``, ``float``, ``str``, ``bool``, ``list``, ``set``, ``tuple``, ``dict``, and ``None``. Note that generics are not currently recognized! If ``at_most`` is provided, allows them to use the literal at most that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student will not be able to write any integer literals prevent_literal_type(int) # Students can't use integers more than twice prevent_literal_type(int, at_most=2) # Students can't use any strings prevent_literal_type(str) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.prevent_literal_type .. function:: ensure_literal_type(literal_type: type, at_least=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the literal type IS in the code, generating feedback if it is. You can use the following literal types: ``int``, ``float``, ``str``, ``bool``, ``list``, ``set``, ``tuple``, ``dict``, and ``None``. Note that generics are not currently recognized! If ``at_least`` is provided, requires they use the literal at least that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student must use at least one integer literal ensure_literal_type(int) # Students must use integers at least twice ensure_literal_type(int, at_least=2) # Students must use at least one string ensure_literal_type(str) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_literal_type .. function:: prevent_ast(ast_name: str, at_most=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the AST type is not in the code, generating Feedback if it is. You should use the type of AST element you are looking for, provided as a string. Refer to the AST documentation for more information, or to `GreenTreeSnakes `_. If ``at_most`` is provided, allows them to use the literal at most that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student will not be able to write any integer literals prevent_ast("Num") # Students can't for loops more than twice prevent_ast("For", at_most=2) # Students can't use any function calls prevent_ast("Call") # Students can't use subscripts prevent_ast("Subscript") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.prevent_ast .. function:: ensure_ast(ast_name: str, at_least=0, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the AST type IS in the code, generating feedback if it is. You should use the type of AST element you are looking for, provided as a string. Refer to the AST documentation for more information, or to `GreenTreeSnakes `_. If ``at_least`` is provided, requires they use the literal at least that many times. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student must use at least one integer literal ensure_ast("Num") # Students must use for loops at least twice ensure_ast("For", at_least=2) # Students must use at least one function call ensure_ast("Call") # Students must use subscripts ensure_ast("Subscript") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_ast .. function:: function_prints(function_name: str) -> Feedback Confirms that the function prints something, generating feedback if it does not. This is a very simple check, simply looking for any ``print`` calls inside the function. It does not check if the function is actually called at runtime, or if that code is reachable! This is just a wrapper around :py:func:`ensure_function_call`. :: # Student must have a function named "hello_world" with a print statement. function_prints("hello_world") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_function_call .. function:: ensure_import(module_name: str, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the module is imported, generating feedback if it is not. This is a very simple check, simply looking for any ``import`` or ``from`` statements inside the code. It does not check if the module is actually used at runtime, or if that code is reachable! There is no ``at_least`` parameter because it is assumed that the student will need to import the module at least once. :: # Student must import the "math" module ensure_import("math") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_import .. function:: prevent_import(module_name: str, root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that the module is not imported, generating feedback if it is. This is a very simple check, simply looking for any ``import`` or ``from`` statements inside the code. It does not check if the module is actually used at runtime, or if that code is reachable! If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: # Student must not import the "math" module prevent_import("math") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.prevent_import .. function:: ensure_documented_functions(root=None) -> Feedback Confirms that all functions are documented, generating feedback if they are not. Only proper docstrings are accepted, not comments. The docstring must be the first thing in the function, and must be a string literal. Students will be given a list of names of the functions that are not documented. If a ``root`` is provided, allows you to start the search from a specific node. :: ensure_documented_functions() .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_documented_functions .. function:: ensure_function(name: str, arity: int = None, parameters = None, returns=None, root=None, compliment=False) -> Feedback Confirms that the function is defined, generating feedback if it is not. This checks a number of things about the function: 1. Whether or not the function exists, and whether it has been defined multiple times. 2. If found, then the function will move on to check the ``arity`` (number of parameters) if that was provided. 3. If ``parameters`` is provided, then it will check that the parameters are of the correct types. The parameters should be a list of types, and can be given as strings or integers (generics are respected). 4. If ``returns`` is provided, then it will check that the return type is correct. The return type should be a type, and can be given as a string or integer (generics are respected). If ``compliment`` is a string, then it will use that to generate a :py:func:`compliment` feedback if the function is found. If ``compliment`` is ``True``, then it will generate a default compliment. If ``score`` is provided, then it will use :py:func:`give_partial` to give partial credit. :: ensure_function('add', 2, [int, int], returns=int) ensure_function('double', parameters=[int]) ensure_function('clean_data', compliment="You defined the clean_data function!") ensure_function('move_forward', parameters=['Sprite', int], returns='Sprite') - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.missing_function - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.duplicate_function_definition - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.too_few_parameters - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.too_many_parameters - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.missing_parameter_type - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.invalid_parameter_type - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.wrong_parameter_type - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.wrong_return_type - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.functions.missing_return_type .. function:: ensure_dataclass(example: dataclass, root=None, compliment=False) -> Feedback ensure_dataclass(name: str, fields: dict[str, Any], root=None, compliment=False) -> Feedback Confirms that the dataclass is defined, generating feedback if it is not. This checks a number of things about the dataclass: 1. Whether or not the dataclass exists, and whether it has been defined multiple times. 2. If found, then the dataclass will move on to check the ``fields`` (names and types) if that was provided. The fields should be a dictionary of names to types, and can be given as strings or integers (generics are respected). Alternatively, you can provide the instructor version of the dataclass, and it will check that the student version has the same fields. If ``compliment`` is a string, then it will use that to generate a :py:func:`compliment` feedback if the dataclass is found. If ``compliment`` is ``True``, then it will generate a default compliment. If ``score`` is provided, then it will use :py:func:`give_partial` to give partial credit. :: ensure_dataclass('Person', {'name': str, 'age': int}) ensure_dataclass('Sprite', {'x': int, 'y': int}, compliment="You defined the Sprite dataclass!") @dataclass class Person: name: str age: int ensure_dataclass(Person) - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.missing_dataclass - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.duplicate_dataclass_definition - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.too_few_fields - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.too_many_fields - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.invalid_field_type - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.unknown_field - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.missing_field_type - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.wrong_fields_type - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.name_is_not_a_dataclass - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.dataclass_not_available - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.classes.missing_dataclass_annotation .. function:: ensure_prints_exactly(count: int) -> Feedback Confirms that the student prints exactly the given number of times, generating feedback if they do not. This is just a wrapper around :py:func:`ensure_function_call` and :py:func:`prevent_function_call`. :: ensure_prints_exactly(3) .. function:: ensure_starting_code(code: str) -> Feedback Confirms that the student's code has the given code, generating feedback if it does not. This is most useful for providing some starting code that students are instructed to not mess with. The given string of code will be parsed and checked with CAIT, so you can be a little flexible. It will not be a problem if the student introduces whitespace or comments, but changing variable names or something else will be detected. :: ensure_starting_code("import math") ensure_starting_code("def hello():\n print('hello')") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_starting_code .. function:: prevent_embedded_answer(code: str) -> Feedback Confirms that the student's code does not have the given code, generating feedback if it does. This is most useful for checking to make sure that the student did not embed some exact literal solution. The given string of code will be parsed and checked with CAIT, so you can be a little flexible. It will not be a problem if the student introduces whitespace or comments, but changing variable names or something else will be sufficient to beat this check. :: prevent_embedded_answer("print(3)") prevent_embedded_answer("def hello():\n print('hello')") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.prevent_embedded_answer .. function:: prevent_printing_functions(exception: str) -> Feedback prevent_printing_functions(exceptions: list[str]) -> Feedback prevent_printing_functions() -> Feedback Confirms that the student's code does not have any print statements in functions, generating feedback if it does. This is a common enough problem that it is worth checking for. You can provide a list of function names that are allowed to print (e.g., ``main``). You can also provide a single string. This does not actually check that ``print`` is called at runtime, and will not allow mundane uses of print (e.g., print-statement-debugging). It can also be defeated by things like ``sys.stdout.write``. :: prevent_printing_functions() prevent_printing_functions('main') prevent_printing_functions(['main', 'log']) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.prevent_printing_functions .. function:: ensure_functions_return() -> Feedback ensure_functions_return(exception: str) -> Feedback ensure_functions_return(exceptions: list[str]) -> Feedback Confirms that the student's functions return something, generating feedback if they do not. This is a common enough problem that it is worth checking for. You can provide a list of function names that do not have to return (e.g., ``main``). You can also provide a single string. This does not actually check that the function returns at runtime along every branch, and that the ``return`` statement is even reachable. :: ensure_functions_return() ensure_functions_return('main') ensure_functions_return(['main', 'save_to_file']) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.ensure_functions_return .. function:: only_printing_variables() Confirms that the student's code only prints variables, generating feedback if it does not. This is a narrow use case, to be sure. :: only_printing_variables() .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.only_printing_variables .. function:: prevent_advanced_iteration(allow_while=False, allow_for=False, allow_function=None) Confirms that the student's code does not use any iteration, generating feedback if it does. By default, all forms of iteration that can be detected easily are blocked (``while`` loops, ``for`` loops). You can allow specific forms of iteration via the boolean flag parameters. By default, most built-in looping functions are blocked. You can override this list by providing a list of function names to allow. Otherwise, the following functions are blocked: ``sum``, ``map``, ``filter``, ``any``, ``all``, ``reduce``, ``sorted``, ``reduce``, ``len``, ``max``, ``min``, ``getattr``, ``setattr``, ``eval``, ``exec``, ``iter``, ``next``. Surprisingly, does not block comprehensions of any kind. Unsurprisingly, does not block recursion. Technically, this is just a wrapper around :py:func:`prevent_function_call` and :py:func:`prevent_ast`. :: prevent_advanced_iteration() prevent_advanced_iteration(allow_while=True) prevent_advanced_iteration(allow_for=True) prevent_advanced_iteration(allow_function=['len', 'sum']) prevent_advanced_iteration(allow_function='sorted') .. function:: files_not_handled_correctly(*filenames: str) files_not_handled_correctly(number_of_filenames: int) Statically detects whether the files have all been opened and closed correctly. This is a very simple check, simply looking for corresponding ``open`` function calls and ``close`` method calls, or if ``with`` was used (which counts as an implicit ``close``). It does not check if the file is actually used, and that the files were opened and closed in the correct order or actually closed at runtime! If a ``number_of_filenames`` is provided, then it will check for that many files. If a list of strings is proivded, then it will check for those specific files. This function will also check if the student incorrectly uses ``close`` as a function or ``open`` as a method, providing cutom feedback. :: # Student must open and close exactly one file files_not_handled_correctly(1) # Student must open and close exactly two files files_not_handled_correctly(2) # Student must open and close the files "data.txt" and "output.txt" files_not_handled_correctly("data.txt", "output.txt") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.static.open_without_arguments Runtime ------- All of the runtime assertion checks do a lot of work to try to provide really nice feedback. They will try to provide a lot of information about what exactly they did when running the student code, so that the error is clearly in the students' code, and not the instructor code. .. function:: assert_equal(left, right) -> Feedback assert_equal(left, right, exact_strings=False, delta=DELTA) The basic unit test, checks whether the left and right values are equal (uses ``==``, not ``is``). The ``exact_strings`` parameter is whether to require that strings be exactly the same, for each character. If ``False`` (the default), then strings will be normalized (lowercased, trailing decimals chopped, punctuation removed, lines are flattened, and all characters are sorted). The ``delta`` controls how float values are compared - how close the values must be. If delta is ``None``, then the default delta will be used (``.001``). :: # This passes assert_equal(5, 5) # This fails assert_equal("five", 5) # This passes assert_equal([1,2,3], [1,2] + [3]) # Normally strings are matched imprecisely assert_equal("Hello, World!", "hello world") # Disable this for more precise matching assert_equal("Hello, World!", "hello world", exact_strings=True) # Floats are matched imprecisely assert_equal(1.0, 1.0001) # You might need a more precise delta assert_equal(1.0, 1.0001, delta=.0000001) Typically, you will use this in conjunction with :py:func:`call` to check students' functions. :: assert_equal(call("add", 2, 3), 5) You do not have to call the function first, and you can even call it on either side if you want to do more complicated comparisons. :: # This will work assert_equal(5, call("add", 2, 3)) # And so will this assert_equal(call("add", 2, 3), call("add", 3, 2)) In the case of more complicated calls, the feedback will be a little more complicated. .. code-block:: Student code failed instructor test. I ran the code: add(2, 3) add(3, 2) The value of the first result was: -1 The value of the second result was: 1 But I expected the first result to be equal to the second result Note that you can override the "I ran the code" part by providing a ``context`` parameter. You can also override the ``explanation`` and the ``assertion`` parts. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_equal .. function:: assert_not_equal(left, right) -> Feedback assert_not_equal(left, right, exact_strings=False, delta=DELTA) Similar to :py:func:`assert_equal`, but checks that the left and right values are not equal (uses ``!=``, not ``is not``). See that function for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_not_equal .. function:: assert_less(left, right) -> Feedback Checks that the left value is less than the right value (uses ``<``). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_less .. function:: assert_less_equal(left, right) -> Feedback Checks that the left value is less than the right value (uses ``<``). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_less_equal .. function:: assert_greater(left, right) -> Feedback Checks that the left value is greater than the right value (uses ``>``). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_greater .. function:: assert_greater_equal(left, right) -> Feedback Checks that the left value is greater than or equal to the right value (uses ``>=``). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_greater_equal .. function:: assert_in(item, container) -> Feedback Checks that the ``item`` is in the ``container`` (uses ``in``/``not in``). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. Correctly handles asymmetry of function calls to give proper messages. :: # "I expected the result to be in the: [1, 2, 3]" assert_in(call('guess_number'), [1, 2, 3]) # "I expected the result to contain: 7" assert_in(7, call('provide_options')) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_in .. function:: assert_not_in(item, container) -> Feedback Checks that the ``item`` is not in the ``container`` (uses ``in``/``not in``). See :py:func:`assert_not_in` for more details. .. function:: assert_contains_subset(needles, haystack) -> Feedback Checks that the ``needles`` are *all* in the ``haystacks`` (uses ``in``/``not in``). This is a little different from :py:func:`assert_in` because it will check that all of the needles are in the haystacks, not just one. :: # "I expected the result to contain: [1, 2, 3]" assert_contains_subset([1, 2, 3], call('provide_options')) # "I expected the result to be in: [4, 5, 6]" assert_contains_subset(call('guess_numbers'), [4, 5, 6]) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_contains_subset .. function:: assert_not_contains_subset(needles, haystack) -> Feedback Checks that the ``needles`` are *not* all in the ``haystacks`` (uses ``in``/``not in``). See :py:func:`assert_contains_subset` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_not_contains_subset .. function:: assert_is(left, right) -> Feedback Checks that the left value is the same as the right value (uses ``is``). In other words, the two objects MUST be strictly equal, the actaul identical object and not just the same contents. This is actually unlikely to occur in most situations, given the way that Pedal executes student code in its own context, but is still sometimes necessary. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_is .. function:: assert_is_not(left, right) -> Feedback Checks that the left value is not the same as the right value (uses ``is not``). See :py:func:`assert_is` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_is_not .. function:: assert_is_none(value) -> Feedback Checks that the value is ``None`` (uses ``is None``). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_is_none .. function:: assert_is_not_none(value) -> Feedback Checks that the value is not ``None`` (uses ``is not None``). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_is_not_none .. function:: assert_is_dataclass(value) -> Feedback Checks that the value is a dataclass. Note that this is not a type check, but actually checking if the given object has the special ``__dataclass_fields__`` attribute. This is a little bit of a hack, but it is the best way to check if a value is actually a dataclass (or at least, it's currently how ``is_dataclass`` itself checks). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_is_dataclass .. function:: assert_is_not_dataclass(value) -> Feedback Checks that the value is not a dataclass. Note that this is not a type check, but actually checking if the given object has the special ``__dataclass_fields__`` attribute. This is a little bit of a hack, but it is the best way to check if a value is actually a dataclass (or at least, it's currently how ``is_dataclass`` itself checks). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_is_not_dataclass .. function:: assert_true(value) -> Feedback Checks that the value is (truthy) ``True``. In other words, the result is converted to a boolean using ``bool`, and then checked to see if it is ``True``. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_true .. function:: assert_false(value) -> Feedback Checks that the value is (falsey) ``False``. In other words, the result is converted to a boolean using ``bool``, and then checked to see if it is ``False``. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_false .. function:: assert_length_equal(sequence, length) -> Feedback Checks that the length of the sequence is equal to the given length. This function exists because the built-in ``len`` actually CANNOT be used in conjunction with ``call``. The ``len`` function in CPython **must** return an integer, or it will segfault. So to get around this, we have provided our version of ``len`` that will avoid this problem. Most of the time you won't even notice that you are using our version of ``len``, but if you do, then you can use this ``assert_length_equal`` function and ``call`` to check the length of its result more directly. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details on assertions, or `This Post `_ for more information about the ``len`` problem. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_length_equal .. function:: assert_length_not_equal(sequence, length) -> Feedback Checks that the length of the sequence is not equal to the given length. Basically equivalent to ``assert_not_equal(len(sequence), length)``, but will correctly provide context since ``len`` cannot be used with ``call``. See :py:func:`assert_length_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_length_not_equal .. function:: assert_length_less(sequence, length) -> Feedback Checks that the length of the sequence is less than the given length. Basically equivalent to ``assert_less(len(sequence), length)``, but will correctly provide context since ``len`` cannot be used with ``call``. See :py:func:`assert_length_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_length_less .. function:: assert_length_less_equal(sequence, length) -> Feedback Checks that the length of the sequence is less than or equal to the given length. Basically equivalent to ``assert_less_equal(len(sequence), length)``, but will correctly provide context since ``len`` cannot be used with ``call``. See :py:func:`assert_length_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_length_less_equal .. function:: assert_length_greater(sequence, length) -> Feedback Checks that the length of the sequence is greater than the given length. Basically equivalent to ``assert_greater(len(sequence), length)``, but will correctly provide context since ``len`` cannot be used with ``call``. See :py:func:`assert_length_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_length_greater .. function:: assert_length_greater_equal(sequence, length) -> Feedback Checks that the length of the sequence is greater than or equal to the given length. Basically equivalent to ``assert_greater_equal(len(sequence), length)``, but will correctly provide context since ``len`` cannot be used with ``call``. See :py:func:`assert_length_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_length_greater_equal .. function:: assert_is_instance(obj, cls) -> Feedback Checks that the object is an instance of the given class using ``isinstance``. If either ``int`` or ``float`` is provided, then they will allow the other to be used. To avoid this behavior, simply wrap the type in a tuple or list. Note that this function does not support generics. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. :: # This will pass assert_is_instance(5, int) # This will pass assert_is_instance(5, float) # This will fail assert_is_instance(5, [float]) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_is_instance .. function:: assert_is_not_instance(obj, cls) -> Feedback Checks that the object is not an instance of the given class using ``isinstance``. If either ``int`` or ``float`` is provided, then they will allow the other to be used. To avoid this behavior, simply wrap the type in a tuple or list. Note that this function does not support generics. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. :: # This will fail assert_is_not_instance(5, int) # This will fail assert_is_not_instance(5, float) # This will pass assert_is_not_instance(5, [float]) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_not_is_instance .. function:: assert_type(value, expected_type) -> Feedback Checks that the value is of the given type, more flexibly than ``isinstance``. Basically, this uses Pedal's type system, which allows for types to be provided as type objects (e.g., ``int``, ``str``), with generics (``list[int]``), as strings (``"int"``, ``"str"``, ``"list[int]"``), and a few other ways. For more information about Pedal's type system, see :ref:`pedal_types`. For more about assertions, see :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. :: # This will pass assert_type(5, int) # This will pass assert_type(["Hello", "World"], list[str]) # This will fail assert_type([1, 2], list[str]) # This will pass assert_type([1, 2], "list[int]") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_type .. function:: assert_not_type(value, expected_type) -> Feedback Checks that the value is not of the given type, more flexibly than ``isinstance``. See :py:func:`assert_type` for more details. :: # This will fail assert_not_type(5, int) # This will fail assert_not_type(["Hello", "World"], list[str]) # This will pass assert_not_type([1, 2], list[str]) # This will fail assert_not_type([1, 2], "list[int]") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_not_type .. function:: assert_regex(pattern, text) -> Feedback Checks that the regex matches the string, checking that ```` is not None. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_regex .. function:: assert_not_regex(pattern, text) -> Feedback Checks that the regex does not match the string, checking that ```` is None. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_not_regex .. function:: assert_output(execution, text) -> Feedback assert_output(execution, text, exact_strings=False) -> Feedback Determine if the ``execution`` outputs ``text``. Uses the ``==`` operator to do the final comparison. In this case, you can think of the output as a single string with newlines, as opposed to a list of strings (i.e., it is retrieved with :py:func:`~get_raw_output`). See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. You can use the :py:data:`~student` variable from the Sandbox to get all of the output. :: # Accepts "Hello world" assert_output(student, "Hello, World!") # Only accepts "Hello, World!" assert_output(student, "Hello, World!", exact_strings=True) Otherwise, the first argument can be a :py:func:`~call` or :py:func:`~run` result. This correctly checks that the desired text is in the output as a result of the given function call (and not for some other reason). :: assert_output(call('main'), "Hello world!") If the `exact_strings` parameter is set to be `False`, then output is first normalized following this strategy: * Make strings lowercase * Remove all punctuation characters * Split the string by newlines into a list * Split each individual line by spaces (aka into words) * Remove all empty lines * Sorts the lines by default order So the default check will be fairly generous about checking output; as long as all the lines are there (in whatever order), ignoring punctuation and case, the text will be found. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_output .. function:: assert_not_output(execution, text) -> Feedback assert_not_output(execution, text, exact_strings=False) -> Feedback Determine if the ``execution`` does not output ``text``. See :py:func:`assert_output` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_not_output .. function:: assert_output_contains(execution, text) -> Feedback assert_output_contains(execution, text, exact_strings=False) -> Feedback Determine if the ``execution`` outputs ``text``. Uses the ``in`` operator to do the final comparison. The normalization for ``exact_strings`` is more basic than for :py:func:`assert_output`, since it will only do the lowercase conversion (punctuation is not removed). See :py:func:`assert_output` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_output_contains .. function:: assert_not_output_contains(execution, text) -> Feedback assert_not_output_contains(execution, text, exact_strings=False) -> Feedback Determine if the ``execution`` does not output ``text``. See :py:func:`assert_output_contains` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_not_output_contains .. function:: assert_has_attr(obj, attr) -> Feedback Determine if the ``obj`` has the attribute ``attr`` using the ``hasattr`` function. See :py:func:`assert_equal` for more details. .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_has_attr .. function:: assert_has_variable(sandbox, variable_name) -> Feedback Determine if the ``sandbox`` has the variable ``variable_name``. This actually does check that the variable is defined at runtime, and not just that it is defined in the code. If you wish to check the top-level module of the student's code, then you can use the :py:data:`~student` variable from the Sandbox. :: assert_has_variable(student, "x") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_has_variable .. function:: assert_has_function(sandbox, function_name) -> Feedback Determine if the ``sandbox`` has the function ``function_name``, and that the function is ``callable``. If you wish to check the top-level module of the student's code, then you can use the :py:data:`~student` variable from the Sandbox. :: assert_has_function(student, "add") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.assert_has_function .. function:: ensure_coverage() -> Feedback ensure_coverage(at_least=.5) -> Feedback Verifies that the most recent executed and traced student code has at least the given percentage of coverage (defaulting to half of the code covered). The ratio is calculated by dividing the number of lines executed by the total number of non-blank, executable lines. The coverage checker does not take into account certain line such as docstrings or comments. :: # 50% coverage ensure_coverage() # 90% coverage ensure_coverage(.9) # 100% coverage ensure_coverage(1) .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.ensure_coverage .. function:: ensure_called_uniquely(function_name) -> Feedback ensure_called_uniquely(function_name, at_least=1) -> Feedback ensure_called_uniquely(function_name, ignore=None, why_ignored="") -> Feedback Verifies that the most recent executed and traced student code has ``at_least`` called the given function uniquely that number of times. In other words, it prevents students from calling the same function repeatedly WITHOUT changing the arguments. Students often try to bypass simpler checks (e.g., call ``assert_equal`` three times) by calling the same function multiple times with the same arguments. This at least prevents the most obvious cheating, although you should still think about additional ways to check their tests. The ``ignore`` (``set[tuple])``) and ``why_ignored`` (``str``) parameters are used to ignore certain sets of arguments (the ``tuple`` are the arguments). This is useful if you have provided them with some tests, and you do not want those tests to count towards their total. The ``why_ignored`` is used to provide feedback to the student about why their test was ignored. For example, to say something like ```` :: # Student must call the "add" function at least once ensure_called_uniquely("add") # Student must call the "add" function at least three times ensure_called_uniquely("add", 3) # We provide them with a few example tests ensure_called_uniquely("add", ignore={(1, 2), (2, 3)}, why_ignored=" because it was provided to you as an example.") .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.ensure_called_uniquely .. function:: ensure_function_callable(name) -> Feedback Verifies that the most recent executed and traced student code has a function with the given name that is callable. This is often a little more intuitive to use than :py:func:`assert_has_function`. :: # Student must define a function called "add" ensure_function_callable("add") - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.function_not_available - .. feedback_function:: pedal.assertions.runtime.name_is_not_a_function Equivalent Names **************** Despite the fact that PEP8 is pretty clear you should use snake_case instead of camelCase, some folks are still just more comfortable with writing ``assertEqual``. Therefore, we provide aliases of all the functions: +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | Original | Alias | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_equal | assertEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_not_equal | assertNotEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_less | assertLess | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_less_equal | assertLessEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_greater | assertGreater | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_greater_equal | assertGreaterEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_length_equal | assertLengthEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_length_not_equal | assertLengthNotEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_length_less | assertLengthLess | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_length_less_equal | assertLengthLessEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_length_greater | assertLengthGreater | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_length_greater_equal | assertLengthGreaterEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_in | assertIn | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_not_in | assertNotIn | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_is | assertIs | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_is_not | assertIsNot | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_is_none | assertIsNone | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_is_not_none | assertIsNotNone | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_true | assertTrue | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_false | assertFalse | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_is_instance | assertIsInstance | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_not_is_instance | assertIsNotInstance | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_equal | assertAlmostEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_not_equal | assertNotAlmostEqual | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_regex | assertRegex | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_not_regex | assertNotRegex | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_prints | assertPrints | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_output | assertOutput | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_not_output | assertNotOutput | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_output_contains | assertOutputContains | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_not_output_contains | assertNotOutputContains | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_has_attr | assertHasAttr | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_has_function | assertHasFunction | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_has_variable | assertHasVariable | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_type | assertType | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | assert_not_type | assertNotType | +-----------------------------+--------------------------+