Glossary ======== .. glossary:: Submission The learners' code along with other relevant metadata about the learner, assignment, and course. Instructor Control Script A Python script authored by the instructor using the Pedal API that contains the grading logic. Feedback Information meant to be delivered to a learner because of an identified issue with their :term:`Submission`. Combines the concept of a :term:`Feedback Condition` and a :term:`Feedback Response`. Technically speaking, a given Condition could warrant any number of possible responses; it is an open research question as to the best form of that Response. Often, the Response is the result of an inference of the learners' mental state backing the concrete Condition that was detected. Feedback Condition The conditional logic that identified an issue in a :term:`Submission`. Feedback Response The message that should be delivered to a learner. We support two kinds of responses: a plain text response that should be suitable for command line environments ("text"), and a Markdown/HTML version that is suitable for web environments ("message"). Feedback Function A function that has a side-effect of adding Feedback to the report, along with whatever other return values it produces. If a Feedback Function intentionally only involves a single kind of feedback that it attaches, we refer to it as an :term:`Atomic Feedback Function` and there may be metadata attached. Otherwise, it would be a :term:`Composite Feedback Function` since it could produce several possible pieces of Feedback. Either way, the codebase attempts to document when a given function is also a Feedback Function. Feedback Label An identifier for feedback. Labels are meant to be unique within a given :term:`Feedback Category`, but they do not necessarily correspond to a specific response (especially since those can be overridden). The label is really identifying the condition, not the response. Tools need to do some amount of coordination to avoid stepping on each other's labels. Report A centralized container for Feedback and the results of each :term:`Tool`. The data for a tool is namespaced by the name of the tool. By default, a given :term:`Feedback Function` add :term:`Feedback` to the :term:`Main Report`, although technically a system can use another report instead. Reports are eventually given to a :term:`Resolver` to be condensed into some coherent response for the learner. Reports can allow feedback to be suppressed, and have a few other useful features. Main Report A global singleton used as the default :term:`Report`. Meant as a convenience, since most of the time grading scripts are written with the expectation that only a single Report is being generated. Tool A submodule that can read and write to a :term:`Report`, potentially building on previous Tools. Resolver A system that can analyze a Report and create a relevant bit of output for an :term:`Environment`. Environment Specific configuration for an autograding environment that is hosting Pedal, such as `BlockPy `, `WebCAT `, or `GradeScope `. The Environment can take care of running common setup functions for tools and providing the instructor with a simpler interface, as well as adjusting the :term:`Submission` and :term:`Resolver` output as needed for the autograder itself. Feedback Category We organize feedback in several ways, including the distinct types of feedback conditions based on their presence within the students' submission. These categories include "Syntax", "Runtime", "Style", and several others. Feedback Kind Another way we organize feedback is by its pedagogical role. This reflects the way that the Feedback Response has been written. These kinds include "Mistake", "Misconception", "Hint", and several others. Different kinds may have an implicit valence. Atomic Feedback Function A :term:`Feedback Function` that returns no more than one type of feedback (as determined by the Label). Such functions can be decorated with the :py:func:`` decorator to have additional meta information. It is not required that an Atomic Feedback Function always returns its type of feedback (i.e., it can do some checks to determine if the scenario exists). Typically, the name of the function is the same as its label. Composite Feedback Function A :term:`Feedback Function` that potentially returns more than one type of feedback. This is not a required tag, but helps provide more metadata about the possible kinds of feedback that a given function returns.